Exercise 2.2
Write on a copy of Answer Sheet 2 the following notes.
First draw a Treble Clef at the start of each staff.

Notes in red are located on lines, all other notes are in spaces.

1=F2=C3=A4=E5=F6=E 7=A8=C9=F10=C11=F12=A
13=E 14=F 15=G 16=E 17=B 18=G 19=D 20=E 21=F 22=G 23=D 24=B

25=E26=A27=E28=F29=C30=F 31=C32=E33=A34=E35=C36=F
37=F 38=B 39=G 40=F 41=E 42=B 43=E 44=G 45=F 46=E 47=B 48=F

49=B 50=E 51=E 52=F 53=F 54=D 55=A 56=C 57=G 58=A 59=F 60=E
61=G 62=C 63=F 64=E 65=B 66=E 67=A 68=F 69=B 70=E 71=D 72=E

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