READING MUSIC 9 - Quiz Answers

  1. There are 4 quavers in one minim.

  2. Quavers have a tail or are beamed together.

  3. On the right side of the stem.

  4. All four quavers are joined by one beam.

  5. Beamed in two groups : (2 +) and (3 +)

  6. Beamed in two groups : (1 + 2 +) and (3 +)

  7. All six quavers are joined by one beam covering the entire bar.

  8. Beamed in two groups : (1 +) and (2 +)

  9. A dot placed above or below a note. The note is to be played short.

  10. Notes that form odd numbered intervals (3rds, 5ths, 7ths, 9ths) are either all on lines or all in spaces. Low E, G, B, D, high F are all on lines.

  11. When a note is on a line all notes that form even numbered intervals with it are in spaces (and vice versa). Low E on a line, F, A, C, high E are all in spaces.

  12. When a note is on a line the nearest notes with the same letter name (one octave up or down) are in spaces (and vice versa).

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Copyright © 2001 Michael Furstner (Jazclass).