Boating Course : Radio 2
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OVER "I have finished my message and expect a reply."
OUT "I have finished my message and require no reply."
or "Romeo"
"I have received and understood your last message."
SAY AGAIN "Please repeat your last message."
I SAY AGAIN "I repeat my last message."
PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE "Confirm you received my previous message"
MESSAGE NOT UNDERSTOOD "I did not understand your message"
AFFIRMATIVE "This is correct" or "Yes" or "I agree"
NEGATIVE "This is not correct" or "No" or "I do NOT agree"
I SPELL "I will spell the next word(s)"
STAND BY "Please wait"
WILCO I understand your message and will comply
Rule 1 : Always say the other station callsign first, your clasign last.
For example : Alpha THIS IS Bravo, OVER

Rule 2 : Every transmission should be terminated by either OVER or OUT (but NOT both).

More Prowords here :

The Phonetic Alphabet
and Time zones
A = Alfa
GMT + 1
B = Bravo
GMT + 2
C = Charlie
GMT + 3
D = Delta
GMT + 4
E = Echo
GMT + 5
F = Foxtrot
GMT + 6
G = Golf
GMT + 7
H = Hotel
GMT + 8
I = India
GMT + 9
J = Juliett
Local time*
K = Kilo
GMT + 10
L = Lima
GMT + 11
M = Mike
GMT + 12
N = November
GMT - 1
O = Oscar
GMT - 2
P = Papa
GMT - 3
Q = Quebec
GMT - 4
R = Romeo
GMT - 5
S = Sierra
GMT - 6
T = Tango
GMT - 7
U = Uniform
GMT - 8
V = Victor
GMT - 9
W = Whisky
GMT - 10
X = X-ray
GMT - 11
Y = Yanky
GMT - 12
Z = Zulu

* = Local time of the "observer"       NT time = India Kilo