24. Genius is rarely appreciated by contemporaries ------------------------ Previous - Next - Contents Erik Satie, the eccentric French impressionist composer (1866-1925) wrote underneath his self portrait (shown below) meaning "I have come into the world very young, in a time very old."
This is how, over the ages, many brilliant artists, scientists, innovators
who were at the forefront of breathtaking new directions in their field must
have felt : born at the wrong time.
The fact of the matter is that the opinions, understanding and awareness of
the general public, the authorities, the church are always well, at
times hundreds of years, behind the most intelligent and creative front
runners. The sad paradox is that, although these geniuses personally may
feel they were born at the wrong time, from the point of view of
humanity as a whole they were born at the right time, because they
moved humanity forward, pushed it onto a new level of awareness.
Perhaps on a more gradual scale we all have our place in time, some ahead,
others somewhat behind the awareness of humanity in general at a certain
time. If this is so, how do you, dear reader, feel about yourself.
Are you born at the right time ? I personally am in two minds about it. Born in 1937
I have lived through an era of unprecedented change and progress of the
modern world, and I would not have missed that for anything. At the other
hand however I sometimes feel strongly that I do not belong to this present
time, so full of greed, selfishness and incredible hatred.
True, there is some good as well, but generally I feel that in terms of
human attitudes I would prefer to be born 500 or even 1,000 years ahead from now, in
the hope that by that time a less materialistic, more generous and well meaning humanity has
evolved. Copyright © 2010 Michael Furstner