QUIZ 4 - Tides
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  1. Tide = the vertical . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . of the ocean water.

  2. Tidal Range = diffenrence between successive . . . . . . and . . . . . . tides

  3. Spring tides occur when it is new / quarter moon and full / three quarter moon.
    Spring tides have a big / small tidal range
    In Darwin that can be up to . . . . . meters.

  4. Neap tides occur when it is new / quarter moon and full / three quarter moon.
    Neap tides have a big / small tidal range
    In Darwin that can be is little as . . . . . .

  5. Spring tides and Neap tides occur . . . . . . days after each other.

  6. Incoming tide ("flow") = when the water is rising / falling.

  7. Outgoing tide ("ebb") = when the water is rising / falling.

  8. Each day High tide and Low tide occur . . . . . hours after each other.
    So in Darwin there are 1 / 2 / 3 high tides and 1 / 2 / 3 low tides each day.

  9. When the tidal flow and wind are in the same direction you have a bumpy / smooth ride in the boat.

  10. When the tidal flow and wind are the oppositie direction you have a bumpy / smooth ride in the boat.

  11. In order to allow for the tides put out . . . . times as much anchor rope than the depth of water below the boat.
    So when the water is 10 meters deep, put out 10 x . . . . = . . . . . meters of anchor rope.