Lesson 17 : Quiz ANSWERS Quiz 17 - Lesson 17 - Links page
- What is a "duck" ?
Deliberately leading a low card in one hand and also playing low in the other, instead of playing a high card which might have won the trick
- Name four important applications for a duck ?
to preserve an entry to a long suit to maintain trump control to drop an enemy Honour card
to develop extra tricks in a suit
- Can you duck twice or more times in a suit ?
Yes you can
- What is a "throw in" ?
leading a loser in one hand and also in the other
- What have the duck and the throw in techniques in common ?
They are plays that deliberately set out to give the lead to the opponents
- What is an "end play" ?
Place the opponents into a position that whatever they lead it will gain an extra trick for your side
- What is the important aspect of a "free finesse" ?
It does not cost a trick
- What is a "ruff and sluff" ?
A ruff in one hand and discard of a loser in the other This situation is possible when both Declarer and Dummy are void in the same suit.
- What is a "loser on loser" play ?
playing a loser in one suit in Declarer's hand and (on the same trick) discarding a loser in an other suit in Dummy's hand
- In a trump contract, what are the usual options the opponents have after being thrown in for an end play ?
lead to a ruff and sluff or into a free finesse
- What card combination do you need for a certain free finesse (lead from the opponents) against a Queen ?
A J x in one hand opposite K 10 x in the other, or A 10 x in one hand opposite K J x in the other
- What card combination do you need for a certain free finesse (lead from the opponents) against an Ace and King ?
Q x x in one hand opposite J x (x) in the other, or Q x (x) in one hand opposite J x x in the other
- What card combination do you need for a certain free finesse (lead from the opponents) against the Ace and Jack ?
K 10 x in one hand opposite Q 9 x in the other, or K 9 x in one hand opposite Q 10 x in the other
How do you play the following suits, when you require more than 2 tricks ? There are no side entries in Dummy.
| Declarer | Dummy |
| C - 8 (4)
Lead low twice
| C - A K 9 5 (3)
Duck first time, play K 2nd time
| D - 8 (5) Lead low twice
| D - A Q 7 6 3 (2) Duck 1st time, finesse with Q 2nd time
| C - 7 (4) (3) Lead low 3 times
| C - A 9 6 (5) (2) Play low twice, play A 3rd time
| D - (9) 5 Lead 9 1st time, 5 2nd time
| D - A J 10 8 (3) Play low 1st time, J 2nd time (Double finesse play)
| C - 7 5 Lead low twice
| C - A Q 9 6 4 3 Play 9 first time, Q 2nd time (Triple finesse play)
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