Deals 81 - 84 : Bidding and Play

Lesson 23 - Links page

(Down - Deal 80)
Declarer (N *)
- A K Q J 9 6
- K Q J 4
- A Q 5
- A K 9 4 3
- 4
- 9 8 7 3
- 10 8 4
- Q J 8 6 5
- 10 2
- 10
- K 9 7 6 2
Dummy (S)
- 10 7 2
- 8 7 5 3
- A 6 5 2
- J 3

Deal 81 - Dealer is North - All Vulnerable

Bidding : 2C (N) 2D (S) - 2H (N) - 3H (S) - 3S (N) - 4D (S) - 5C (N) - 5H (S) - 6H (N)

3S (N) = 1st round control in Spades
4D (S) = 1st round control in Diamonds
5C (N) = 1st round control in Clubs
5H (S) = sign off, nothing else to contribute

Opening Lead : King of Spades (E) = King from A K x x

Declarer (N) counts 1 possible loser : a Club

Declarer Play
Cue bidding   -   Taking a safe finesse
Declarer ruffs the opening lead in his hand, then draws two rounds of trumps, removing all enemy trumps. The contract is now secured, and it is safe to take a 50-50 chance on a successful finesse against the Club King.
At trick 4 he leads a small Diamond to Dummy's Ace, who then leads the Jack of Clubs. West covers with the King and Declarer wins with the Ace. The remaining tricks are all his, making 13 tricks in total.

Score = 7 x 300 pts + 1250 bonus pts= 1460 pts total

Down - Up)
- 10 6 4
- K 9 7 3
- 7 4
- A J 9 8
Declarer (E *)
- A K Q J 8
- A Q J 10 3
- K Q 6
Dummy (W)
- 9 7 3 2
- A J 5 2
- K 8
- 7 4 2
- 5
- Q 10 8 6 4
- 9 6 5 2
- 10 5 3

Deal 82 - Dealer is East - None Vulnerable

Bidding : 2C (E) - 2NT (W) - 3S (E) - 4S - 5D (E) - 5H - 6S (E) - Pass

East signs off in 6S, but (during the Cue bidding) has shown he does not hold the Ace of Clubs. Partner should therefore raise to 7S if he does hold that vital card.

Opening Lead : 3 of Clubs (S) = small from Honour x x
South has listened carefully to the bidding placing his Partner with the Ace of Clubs !

Declarer (E) counts 2 possible losers : both in Clubs

Declarer Play
Cue bidding   -   Deduction from the auction by the Defence
North wins the opening lead with the Ace, but every return is won by Declarer, who after drawing 3 rounds of trumps win all remaining 12 tricks.

Score = 6 x 30 trick pts + 800 bonus pts = 980 pts total

Down - Up)
Dummy (N)
- K Q 8 4
- A J 9 3
- A 2
- J 10 6
- 3
- K Q 8 7 5
- 9 7 5 3
- 9 5 2
- 5 2
- 10 4 2
- J 8 6 4
- K 8 4 3
Declarer (S *)
- A J 10 9 7 6
- 6
- K Q 10
- A Q 7

Deal 83 - Dealer is South - NS Vulnerable

Bidding : 1S (S) - 3S (N) - 4NT (S) - 5C (N) - 5D (S) - 5S (N) - 6S (S)

4NT (S) = Roman Key card Blackwood
5C (N) = 0 or 3 key cards (after his previous bid it must be 3 !)
5D (S) = "Do you have the trump Queen ?"
5S (N) = "Yes Partner, I do !"

Opening Lead : 5 of Spades (W) = top of a doubleton in the trump suit, a safe exit

Declarer (S) counts 1 possible loser : in Clubs

Declarer Play
Roman Key card Blackwood
Declarer wins the opening lead, draws a second round of trumps winning in Dummy with the King, then leads the Club Jack for a direct finesse. West wins the trick, but Declarer wins any return and easily makes all remaining tricks, a total of 12.

Score = 6 x 30 trick pts + 1250 bonus pts = 1430 pts

Up - Top)
- J
- 10 9 8 5
- 6 5 2
-K Q J 7 3
Dummy (E)
- 10 9 7 3
- J
- A 8 3
- 10 8 6 5 2
Declarer (W *)
- A K Q 6 5 4
- A Q 6
- K Q 9 7
- 8 2
- K 7 4 3 2
- J 10 4
- A 9 4

Deal 84 - Dealer is West - EW Vulnerable

Bidding : 2C (W) - 2D (E) - 2S (W) - 3S (E) - 4C (W) - 4D (E) - 4H (W) - 5H (E) - 7S (W)

4C (W) = 1st round control in Clubs
4D (E) = 1st round control in Diamonds
4H (W) = 1st round control in Hearts
5H (E) = 2nd round control in Hearts
In view of East's weak hand, Declarer believes his Partner is more likely to have a singleton Heart rather than the King. Nevertheless Grand Slam looks a very good prospect.

Opening Lead : King of Clubs (N) = top of a solid sequence

Declarer (W) counts 3 possible losers : two in Hearts and one in Diamonds, if the Diamonds break 4-2 or worse. He can ruff two of these losers in Dummy.

Declarer Play
Cue bidding
Declarer ruffs the opening lead in his hand, then draws two rounds of trumps. At trick 4 Declarer plays the Heart Ace followed by a small Heart ruffed in Dummy.
At trick 6 Dummy plays the Diamond Ace, followed by a small Diamond to Declarer's King. At trick 8 Declarer leads his Heart Queen, ruffed in Dummy. Dummy returns a small Diamond, won by Declarer with the Queen. The enemy Diamonds break 3-3, making Declarer's last remaining Diamond another winner. Declarer wins therefore all 13 tricks.

Score = 7 x 30 trick pts + 2000 bonus pts = 2210 pts

(Lesson 23 - Deal 85 - Links page)

Copyright © 2006 Michael Furstner (Jazclass).