CP3 - After the lead of a low card 2nd player plays low ! to maintain 4th player's advantage
| 2nd
Plays low
A low card
| 3rd
Plays high
4th player Plays a
higher card (if he can)
The great advantage of the non-leading side is
that one of their players will be the last (4th)
player to play to the trick. His high card can
therefore not be captured by an Opponent.
Therefore whenever one side (either Declarer's or
Defenders') leads a low card the 2nd player plays low to maintain this advantage !!
Whenever the
2nd player plays high he deprives his Partner (and his side) of this advantage.
Whenever 2nd player's Honour card would become unguarded (K x or Q x x) he must play his high card (otherwise it will be captured the next trick).
On rare occasions the 2nd player plays high in order to win the lead quickly, for example when he holds enough winners to defeat the contract, or (in a trump contract) to lead a suit his Partner can ruff.
CP4 - After the lead of an Honour card 2nd player covers ! to promote a lower card to a winner (for his side)
| 2nd
A high card
| 3rd
Wins if he can
4th player Usually plays low (or wins if he can)
After the lead of an Honour card, 2nd player covers (plays a higher card) in order : - to promote a lower card (J, 10 or 9) to a winner, or
- to reduce the tricks the Opponents can make in the suit.
When it is clear that there is nothing to promote on Defender's side.
| 2nd player
♥ K 7 3
♥ Q 6 4
| Dummy
♥ A J 10 9
In such case 2nd player plays a low card in order to keep Declarer guessing.