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JT7.6 - The Blues scale
The Blues scale is perhaps the best known scale for improvisation over the blues.
It is very popular as it requires only the one scale for the entire blues progression :
- for the blues in C - use the C blues scale
- for the blues in F - use the F blues scale
- For the blues in A - use the A blues scale, and so on
The Blues scale is a 6-note scale.
It consists of the scale tonic note, its associated perfect 4th and perfect 5th, and the three so called blue notes :
- the minor 3rd (b3)
- the tritone (b5), and
- the minor 7th (b7)
Audio 7
The three blue notes clash with some of the chord tones.
For example in the blues in C
- the Eb clashes with the E of the C chord (C E G).
- the Bb clashes with the B of the G chord (G B D).
- the tritone Gb provides a transition from F to G. This simulates the bending of note pitches, so typical of the early blues singers.
The overall effect of clashing and bent notes creates the unique flavour so typical for the blues.
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JT 7.7 - Bb- and Eb- instruments
Bb instrument players
(trumpet, clarinet, soprano- and tenor-sax) : To match the 'concert key ' of keyboards,
flutes etc. play in the key 2 semitones
For example for the Blues in C : play in the key of D
For the Blues in F : play in the key of G
Eb instrument players
(alto- and baritone-sax) : To match the 'concert key' of keyboards, flutes etc. always play in the key 3 semitones
For example for the Blues in C : play in the key of A
For the Blues in F : play in the key of D
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JT 7.8 - Quiz
1. How many bars are there in the basic blues form ?
2. How many phrases are there in the basic blues form, and how many bars is each phrase ?
3. How many different chords make up the chord progression of the basic blues, and which are they ?
1. Which chords are there in the chord progression for the basic blues in the key of F ?
2. Which chords are there in the chord progression for the basic blues in the key of G ?
3. Which chords are there in the chord progression for the basic blues in the key of Bb ?
A music student is learning the guitar.
So far he has learnt to play the following chords : C - E - D - G - A - F - Bb
In how many keys can he play the basic blues ?
What are the Perfect Cadences in the major keys of E, of F, of G and of Bb ?
What are the Plagal Cadences in the major keys of E, of F, of G and of Bb ?
Mark the Blues scale in all keys on the Keyboard Diagrams.
Highlight the three 'blue notes' in a different colour as shown here for the C Blues scale.
What music element can be formed by combining the three blue notes in any key ?
Mark the Blues scale in all keys on the Scale Letters Diagrams.
Use the note numbers : 1 - b3 - 4 - b5 - 5 - b7 - 1.
Here an example for the E Blues scale :
Quiz Answers
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JT 7.9 - Ear test 15
Identify the following Perfect and Plagal Cadences. Each Cadence is played twice.
Ear test Answers
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JT 7.10 - Lesson Material
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