Improvisation Primer - QUIZ ANSWERS

Improvisation Primer Quiz - Jazclass Links

  1. What is improvisation ?
    The instant creation of a melody

  2. What is Free Improvisation ?
    Improvisation without a predetermined chord progression

  3. What levels are there in a Jazz song ?
    Three : Melody line - Chord progression - Scale progression

  4. Name three ways of tone selection for improvisation.
    Embellishment of the melody - using chord tones - using scale tones

  5. Name two devices used in composition and improvisation, discussed in this lesson.
    Repetition - Rhythmic variation (alternating high and low activity)

  6. Of how many sections does A Happy Day consists, and how long is each section ?
    Four 8 bar sections

  7. What types of repetition can you find in A Happy Day ?
    1. repetition of a whole 8 bar section : A A A

    2. repetition of a rhythm pattern :
          bars 1 and 2 are the same as 3 and 4
          bar 5 has the same rhythm as bar 6
          bars 17 and 18 are the same as 19 and 20, and as 21 and 22, and as 23 and 24

    3. repetition of motif (contour shape) shifted ,up or down, in pitch :
          bars 17 and 18 are the same shape as 21 and 22
          bars 19 and 20 are the same shape as 23 and 24
          bar 1 and 2 are about the same as bars 3 and 4

  8. Give a definition of a major triad chord.
    The tonic, 3rd, and 5th note of a major scale
    Or the combination of a major 3rd and perfect 5th interval with the same bottom (root) note

  9. How many occurrences of syncopation ('rhythmic surprise') are there in the A-section of A Happy Day ?
    Five in each A-section :
        Bar number : 1 on 4+
        Bar number : 3 on 4+
        Bar number : 5 on 2+
        Bar number : 6 on 2+
        Bar number : 7 on 2+

  10. How many occurrences of syncopation ('rhythmic surprise') are there in the Bridge of A Happy Day ?
    Eight in the Bridge :
        Bar number : 17 on 2+ and 4+
        Bar number : 19 on 2+ and 4+
        Bar number : 21 on 2+ and 4+
        Bar number : 23 on 2+ and 4+

  11. All the chords of 'A Happy Day' fit in the C major scale except the D7.
    Two scales are therefore needed for improvisation :
        the C major scale for C, F and G7
        the G major scale for D7 (chord tones : D F# A C)

  12. Which Rhythm Patterns (1 to 5 in Chapt.1-6) contain syncopations ?
    All except Pattern 1.

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