Woodshed 1
Major scale Practice

  1. Introduction

  2. Major scale practice

  3. Scale segments

  4. Diads

  5. Downloading Bay

    Jazclass Links - Circle of Fifths

    Major scale in all keys

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WS 1.1 - Introduction

Many people have a talent for music. Many more in fact than most people realise. But having talent alone is not enough.

To become a musician you need dedication and determination. As they say in the Jazz world : "You have to pay your dues". This means a consistent effort into some regular practice. You need to practice your tone and your technique, and for Jazz improvisation it is essential that you gain an intimate knowledge and fluent instrumental facility of scales and chords.

This is what the Woodshed is for.
A place of solitude where you can put in some solid practice on the essentials.
A place where you learn to become a real musician.
A place where you are alone in body, but not in spirit, for all good musicians in the world have come here before you and many more will join after you.

Be prepared, it will not be plain sailing. Many times you will experience frustration and even despair (we all have). But ultimately you will experience the satisfaction that you are getting on top and that all the hard work was so much worthwhile.

../woodshed/ws107.gif So take your axe (Jazz slang for 'instrument') my friend and follow me to the Woodshed. I will show you a pile of wood that needs to be chopped.

To put fire into your improvisation you need wood, and plenty of it. So don't be mean in your efforts, the more wood you chop the bigger and brighter the fire will be.

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WS 1.2 - Major scale practice

The major scale is the single most important source for improvisation (and Western music in general). So it is obvious that you start here.

Play the major scale over at least 2 octaves up and down over your instrument.

On the piano there is of course no problem.
But on the saxophone for example you may not be able to go up 2 octaves. Try to make it a 2 octave loop instead. For example play the A scale from A up to high E , then down to low E , then back up to the A you started from.

Play the scale in all 12 keys in this manner.
Play successive keys in Circle of Fifth order (going in either direction) or in chromatic order (up or down).
In the Downloading Bay are two Play-a-Long Midi files.

  • one track going in Circle of 5ths order :
    C - F - Bb - Eb - Ab - Db - Gb - B - E - A - D - G

  • the other track in chromatic order :
    C - Db - D - Eb - E - F - Gb - G - Ab - A - Bb - B

Each key is played for 8 bars.

Play the following 4 bar exercise twice in each key :

C Major scale

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WS 1.3 - Scale segments

Once you get comfortable with the whole scale in each key start working on patterns of scale segments.

Work on the following three patterns.

The 1 2 3 1 - 2 3 4 2 - pattern :

Audio 1
Pattern : 1231 - 2342 -

The 1 2 3 4 - 2 3 4 5 - pattern :

Audio 2
Pattern : 1234 - 2345 -

The 1 2 3 - 2 3 4 - 3 4 5 - pattern :

Audio 3
Pattern : 123 - 234 - 345 -

Practise first without the Play-a-Long track.
Practise each pattern until you can play it fluently, without any hesitation or mistake, at a very slow speed.
Then, and only then, gradually increase the tempo.

There is no point in practising at a speed where you keep making mistakes, you only learn how not to play it, and you are wasting valuable practice time !

Once you become fluent in all keys start using the Midi tracks.

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WS 1.4 - Diads
Diads are patterns of broken 3rds.
Here are two important patterns you should practise.

The 1 3 - 2 4 - 3 5 - pattern (diads played straight) :

Audio 4
Pattern : 1 3 2 4 - 3 5 4 6  -

The 1 3 4 2 - 3 5 6 4 - pattern (every second diad is played backwards) :

Audio 5
Pattern : 1 3 4 2 - 3 5 6 4 -

Try to play all patterns using your ear and your knowledge of the scale.
Refer to written notation only as a last resort.

It is a good idea to write out the patterns in difficult keys on paper, but while playing only look at it when you are stuck. The objective is to teach your mind as well as your fingers.

Don't forget, if you have any questions please ask me.

Happy woodshedding !


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WS 1.5 - Downloading Bay

File Name




Woodshed 1 - Facts Sheet I



Woodshed 1 - Facts Sheet II



Major scale in 12 keys (8 bars each)
Circle of 5ths order :
C - F - Bb - Eb - Ab - Db - Gb - B - E - A - D - G



Major scale in 12 keys (8 bars each)
Chromatic order :
C - Db - D - Eb - E - F - Gb - G - Ab - A - Bb - B


The bass on the two Play-a-Long tracks alternately plays in 2 or in 4 (walking bass) every 8 bars.

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Copyright © 2002 Michael Furstner Jazclass. All rights reserved.