page 3

Mitchell Movements
In the Mitchell movements
NS pairs stay at the same table all round
EW pairs move up one table after each round ("people getting older")
Boards move down one table after each round ("boards getting younger")

Set out the tables in a circle, square or rectangle, then number the tables in clockwise direction from 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 5 etc. , so that the last table loops onto the first.
With such setup, after each round :
EW pairs move clockwise to the next higher numbered table, while
Boards are moved anti-clockwise to the next lower numbered table.

Use 3 boards per round for 5-table and 6-table Mitchell movements.
Use 2 boards per round for Mitchell movements of 7, 8 or 9 tables.

With 5, 7 or any odd number of tables the Mitchell movement is very simple and only requires the actions described above.

An additional pair in play is made a NS Rover pair
The Rover pair (NS6 with 5 tables, NS8 with 7 tables) sits out the first round, then skips one table each round starting at Table 2.

With 5½ tables the NS6 Rover movements are :
NS6 : sit out → Table 2 → Table 4 → Table 1 → Table 3

With 7½ tables the NS8 Rover movements are :
NS8 : sit out → Table 2 → T 4 → T 6 → T 1 → T 3 → T 5

The regular NS pair sits out for one round, then moves back to their original table.

With and even number of tables there is a small complication in the Mitchell movement. After each round Pairs move up one table, while the board move down one table.
However at the halfway point all EW pairs will arrive at a table with boards they already have played.
To overcome this problem EW pairs skip one table at the halfway point of the movement :

with 6 tables EW pairs skip one table at the start of round 4

with 8 tables EW pairs skip one table at the start of round 5

Following rounds are normal again but at the last round of the movement (round 6 for 6 tables, round 8 for 8 tables) the EW pairs arrive back at the table they started from where they play the boards they missed as a result of their skip.


With 6½ tables use a 7-table Mitchell, where EW pairs have a sit out at Table 7.
With 8½ tables use a 9-table Mitchell, where EW pairs have a sit out at Table 9.