Michael Furstner started playing contract bridge from
age 12, when his
father taught him in 1949. He immediately passed on his
newly acquired skills and knowledge to his school friends and
Michael happily bridged his way through High school,
years at Leiden University and through two years of Dutch
National Service,
playing with fellow Field Artillery officers in the
Officers Mess.
In 1965 BHP sponsored Michael to come to Australia
(with his wife and 2 years old daughter) to work as a
geologist with the Company. For the following 14 years
Michael worked for a variety of companies as a geologist, later geotechnical
consultant, on major mining and civil engineering
in Papua New Guinea and Australia.
In 1980 Michael left his profession and, after a brief stint
running and selling the family business Martinshof, he
enrolled at the Jazz College in Adelaide studying
Improvisation and majoring on baritone saxophone.
Michael studied in Adelaide from 1984 until 1990,
lecturing during his final year at the Adelaide
on piano
technique. He then moved to the Sunshine Coast,
working as a private music teacher and occasional
performer until his retirement in 2002.
Michael started running regular Bridge classes for Beginners
Intermediates from the mid 1970s and over the following
decades set
up 6 private bridge clubs in PNG and in Australia. His latest
venture being the present Social
Bridge Club in Darwin which he started in April
In 1996 Michael started his website on Music Education and
which soon won numerous awards and established itself as one
of the prime music education sites online, attracting in
excess of one million visitors every year.

From 2006 Michael started to add Bridge lessons to his
website. This immediately caught the attention of the
ACBL (American Contract Bridge League) who
recommended the website to all its affiliated Bridge Clubs in
the USA.
Michael extended his online Bridge instruction over the
years. He regularly advises and helps private bridge clubs
around the globe on how to organize, run and score their
regular bridge sessions. Michael's online bridge lessons
now attract 3,000-4,000 bridge enthusiasts every
week. His lessons are considered
by many (according to their comments) the best online
contract bridge instruction in the world today.
©2016 MIchael Furstner<