When cashing winners in a suit play :
high card (s) from the short side first !
so that you no become cut off from Dummy

Declarer (W)
♠ - A 9 7 2
♥ - Q 5
♦ - A 9 5
♣ - A K J 8
Dummy (E)
♠ - 8 6
♥ - A K J 4 2
♦ - 8 7 4
♣ - 9 7 3

Wrong play
If you play the ♥5 to one of Dummy's Honour cards first, then return to your ♥Q you will be cut off from Dummy, unable to cash the remaining three heart winners.

Correct play
Play the ♥Q from Declarer's hand first, then cross over with Declarer's ♥5 to Dummy. Dummy wins the trick and can now run off all remaining heart winners.

Another typical card combination is :

♦ A Q J
opposite Dummy
3 5 9 10 K ♦

Play the ♦A and ♦Q in Declarer's hand first.
Then lead the ♦J and take it over with Dummy's ♦K.
Dummy now has the lead and can play out the two remaining diamond winners.