With bare Aces in East's both red suits, a Slam in NT would be very risky. But with only 6 losers East must certainly bid 6♣.
* Blackwood ?
4NT Blackwood would not be appropriate here, because the bidding level would go too high when asking for Kings. An expert East would bid 4♣ Minorwood here instead of 6♣.
(But with West in this case showing only one Ace and one King, the final contract would still be 6♣. Bidding : 1♣ - 1♥ - 3♣ - 4♣ - 4♥ (1A) - 4♠ - 5♣ (1K) - 6♣)
Declarer play
As long as Declarer catches one of the two missing heart Honours (K♥ or J♥) the Slam contract is safe.
Opening lead
North must not lead away from his K J in both red suits. He should lead the 10♠ instead. That is a safe lead.