Very Unusual NT Overcalls & Michael's
After Opponent's Opening bid, a 1NT Overcall
traditionally shows a balanced hand with a stopper in the
Enemy suit and a strength (depending on the system used)
within the 15 to 18 points range.
Besides the fact that such Overcalls are rare, they also are
rather superfluous.
Why not double first for
take-out, then bid NT at your next turn ?
By using this second option, the 1NT Overcall can be
used for other purposes.
- Very Unusual 1NT Overcall after Opponent's 1 in a suit Opening bid
- (1♣) or (1♦) → 1NT =
5-8 HCP, 7 losers, 5+5+ in the 2 major suits
- (1♥) or
(1♠) → 1NT = 5-8 HCP, 7 losers,
5+5+ in the 2 minor suits
- (1♦) - Pass
- (1♠) → 1NT = 5-8 HCP, 7 losers, 5+5+
in the 2 unbid suits
Minimum Suit quality in the long suits : H x x x x H x x x x (H = Honour card)
- The "Advancer" (Overcaller's Partner) has the following
options :
- 1NT → bid preferred suit at cheapest level (8+ losers,
0-12 HCP)
- 1NT → bid Game in preferred suit (6-7 losers, 13+
- 1NT → bid Enemy suit = Strong enquiry (7
losers or less, 13+ HCP)
(or DBL RH Opponent after Enemy interference)
- next step up the line = minimum, 5-6 HCP
- 2nd step up the line = maximum, 7-8 HCP
- Very Unusual 2NT Overcall after Opponent's 1 in a suit Opening bid
- (1♣) or (1♦) → 2NT
= 8-12 HCP or 5-6 losers, 5+5+ in the 2 major suits
- (1♥) or
(1♠) → 2NT = 8-12 HCP or 5-6
losers, 5+5+ in the 2 minor
- (1♥) - Pass
- (2♣) → 2NT = 8-12 HCP or 5-6 losers,
5+5+ in the 2 unbid suits
Minimum Suit quality in the long suits : H H x x x H x x x x (H = Honour card)
- The Advancer has the following options :
- 2NT → bid preferred suit at cheapest level (9+ losers,
0-10 HCP)
- 2NT → bid Game in preferred suit (8 losers, 10+ HCP)
- 2NT → bid Enemy suit = Strong enquiry (8
losers or less, 10+ HCP)
(or DBL RH Opponent after Enemy interference)
- next step up the line = minimum, 8-10 HCP and 6 losers
- 2nd step up the line = maximum, 10-12 HCP and 5 losers
The Very Unusual NT Overcalls combine well with :
- Michael's Cue bid over Majors.
- (1♥) →
2♥ = 8-12 HCP, 5+5+
♠ plus a minor suit
- (1♠) → 2♠ = 8-12 HCP, 5+5+
♥ plus a minor suit
Minimum Suit quality in the long suits : H H x x x H x x x x (H = Honour card)
- Advancer's responses
- bid major suit at cheapest level (trump support, 9+ losers,
0-10 HCP)
- bid 3♣ = "Pass or correct" (9+ losers, 0-10 HCP)
- bid Game in major suit (trump support, 8 losers, 10+ HCP)
- 2NT = Strong enquiry (8 losers or less, 10+ HCP)
- 2NT → 3♣ = minimum, ♣ is the minor
- 2NT → 3♦ = minimum, ♦ is the minor suit
- 2NT → 3♥ = maximum, ♣ is the minor
- 2NT → 3♠ = maximum, ♦ is the minor suit
This leaves the (1♣) → 2♣ and
(1♦) → 2♦ as natural Overcalls.