bridge4u - Bidding Guides
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  1. BASIC Bidding Guide - Basic Level Version : 170530
    All you need for the first 12-18 months

  2. INTERMEDIATE Bidding Guide - Intermediate Level 160926
    Includes all the details from Memory cards 7-11 (below) !

  3. ADVANCED Bidding Guide - Intermediate Level 160926
    Includes all the details from Memory card 12 (below) !

  4. Blue Power Bidding Guide 170211

  5. Card Play Technique Flipper 130624

  6. System Card 170411

    Memory cards

  7. Novices Memory card 170207

  8. Weak & Strong 2s - Losing Trick Count 170530

  9. Splinter raises - Roman Keycards 170306

  10. Splinter raises - Gametry DBL - Support DBL 160920

  11. Power 1NT - Crowhurst 2♣ - 2NT 160708

  12. Power 1NT - Multi Cues - 2NT 170207

  13. Multi 2♦ - Weak 2-suiters 160926

  14. Asking for Aces - Roman Keycards - Multicues 160201

  15. Roman Key Cards - Multi-Cues - Kabel 3NT 160201

  16. Balancing - Game try DBL - Responsive DBL 160201

  17. 2♣ Game Try Response - 2♦ Game Force Response 170114

  18. Truscott 2NT Response - Cuebid Raises 170211

  19. Quijote 2♣ Rebid - RKC Minorwood - Kabel 3NT 160918

  20. Very Unusual NT Overcalls - Michaels Cuebid 160918
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