How my painting of Soul Portraits came about   (German text)

Spiritual mediums often describe visions of so called "Aurabilder" (Aura images), which presumably can be painted.
I never had any idea how to portray these type of visions. I certainly did not wish to just paint a doll-like figure surrounded by a halo or aura.

One day a young woman came to me who wished to speak to me.
After our conversation she noticed in my studio a painting with orange, red, yellow and green colours which strongly appealed to her.

The next day I focused my mind on the woman and on those colours and prayed for spiritual help. The resultant painting I produced was No.164.

The woman was eager to come and see it immediately, but to me the painting felt not right, with too much disharmony on the path to the Light and in the selected colours.

I therefore painted a second picture (No.167) before inviting the young woman to come and inspect them both.
To my great surprise she liked my first painting (No.164) much better.
When the woman noticed my astonished face she said to me : "Yes . . . , that is what I am now (164), but that other one (167) is what I may become".

At once the realisation came to me .....
The Spiritual World had just revealed to me what I really should paint. Since then I paint Soul Portraits, but always portraits which express This is what I can become and achieve spiritually, and not: "This is what I am now".

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