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Bidding Conventions
The Multi-2♦ Opening bid

  1. The Multi-2♦ Opening
  2. Weak Responses
  3. Strong Enquiry & Weak options
  4. Strong Enquiry & Strong options
  5. Bidding after Enemy interference
  6. Deals 129 to 136

    Bidding Guide : AdvBG-8

    More recent lesson on this subject

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BR 29.1 - The Multi-2♦ Opening

In recent years the Multi-2♦ Opening bid has become very popular and widespread in Duplicate bridge competition.
This bid replaces the regular weak 2♦, 2♥ and 2♠ opening bids as outline in this course in Lesson 16.
The Game force 2♣ Opening (also introduced in Lesson 16) remains in use however.

Even if you do not intend to use these bids it is useful to have a general knowledge of their meaning as they are used by many intermediate and better players you might find yourself playing against.

The Multi-2♦ combines a number of possibilities into the one Opening bid. There are a range of combinations used. I have selected my preferred combinantion here, which fits in well with the overall System as outlined by Jazclass.

The Multi-2♦ Opening covers the following hand options :

  1. a weak 6+card major ("weak two") of 6-10 HCP,

        such as :   ♠ 8 2   ♥ A Q 9 8 5 2   ♣ J 10 6 4   ♦ 7

  2. or a strong balanced hand of 21-22 HCP,

        such as :   ♠ A 10 2   ♥ A Q 9 8   ♣ A 8 6 4   ♦ A K

  3. or a strong 4-4-4-1 shape with 17+ HCP, and a singleton

        such as :   ♠ A K 9 5   ♥ 4   ♣ A Q 8 3   ♦ K Q 10 4

The Multi-2♦ therefore telescopes the weak 2s for both majors into one bid.
It also includes the balanced 21-22 point hand which is too strong for a 1 Opening bid, but too weak for a 2♣ Game force.
The third option includes the strong unbalanced hands without a 5-card suit (4-4-4-1), just under or within the Strong 2♣ opening bid range.

This makes the bids of 2♥, 2♠ and 2NT* available for other purposes which will outlined in the next Lesson.

* The traditional Opening bids of 2NT (22-24 and balanced) and 3NT (25-27 and balanced) are rarely used anymore.

Implications for the Game force 2♣ Opening bid

Including balanced hands of 21-22 HCP (option 'B' above) and strong 4441 shape hands (option 'C') in the Multi-2♦ Opening bid, simplifies the Game force 2♣ Opening range of bids considerably.
After opening with 2♣ :

  1. Opener's rebid of 2NT shows a balanced hand of 23-24 points (not forcing)

  2. Opener's rebid of 3NT shows a balanced hand of 25+ points

  3. Opener's rebid of a new suit shows a 5+card suit (forcing to Game)

Responder's bid of 3♣ after 2NT or 4♣ after 3NT is Stayman investigating a 4-4 major suit fit.

The above make the standard opening bids of 2NT and 3NT superfluous. These Opening bids can therefore be used for other purposes (see Lesson 30 and Lesson 33).

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BR 29.2 - Weak Responses

There are two weak responses to the Multi-2♦ Opening bid. They are

  • 2♦ - 2♥ = "Pass or correct"

  • 2♦ - 2♠ = "I have no interest in Spades, but if you have Hearts instead I might be interested in Game."

Opener's replies are as follow.

Bidding Meaning Example of Opener's hand
2♦ - 2♥ - Pass Weak Two in Hearts ♠ 8 2   ♥ A Q 9 8 5 2   ♣ J 10 6 2   ♦ 7
2♦ - 2♥ - 2♠ Weak Two in Spades ♠ Q 10 9 7 6 3   ♥ A 2   ♣ 8 5 4   ♦ 9 3
2♦ - 2♥ - 2NT 21-22 HCP, balanced ♠ A J 5   ♥ A K   ♣ K Q 7 5   ♦ Q J 8 2
2♦ - 2♥ - 3♣ 17+ HCP, 4441 shape
with singleton
♠ A K J 2   ♥ A Q 10 4   ♣ 7   ♦ K Q 8 3

After a 2♠ response Opener's replies are the same as above, except when Opener holds a weak 6+card Heart suit.
In that case Opener replies 3♥ with a minimum (6-7 HCPs) and 4♥ with a maximum (8-10 HCPs).

Bidding Meaning Example of Opener's hand
2♦ - 2♠ - Pass Weak Two in Spades ♠ K Q 8 6 4 3   ♥ 8 3   ♣ A 8 6 2   ♦ 7
2♦ - 2♠ - 3♥ Weak Two in Hearts
minimum : 6-7 points
♠ 9 3   ♥ Q 10 7 5 4 2   ♣ A 9 5 4   ♦ 3
2♦ - 2♠ - 4♥ Weak Two in Hearts
maximum : 8-10 points
♠ 8   ♥ K Q 9 8 5 2   ♣ A 7 4 2   ♦ 6 2
2♦ - 2♥ - 2NT 21-22 HCP, balanced ♠ A J 5   ♥ A K   ♣ K Q 7 5   ♦ Q J 8 2
2♦ - 2♠ - 3NT * 17+HCP, 4441 shape
with singleton
♠ A K J 2   ♥ 7   ♣ A Q 10 4   ♦ K Q 8 3

* Note that after Responder's 2♠ the Opener can not show his singleton by bidding Hearts, as this would show a Weak Two in Hearts (see above). He therefore bids 3NT instead, this shows a singleton . Bids of the other three suits show a singleton as normal.

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BR 29.3 - The Strong Enquiry & Weak options

The 2NT response after a 2♦ opening bid shows 12+ HCPs, is artificial and a strong enquiry similar in nature to the Ogust Convention. There are several possibilities for weak major suit responses. Here follows my recommended version.

Bidding Meaning Example hand
2♦ - 2NT - 3♠ suit, minimum 6-7 HCPs ♠ A Q 7 6 4 3   ♥ 9 4   ♣ J 7 6 4   ♦ 8 3
2♦ - 2NT - 3♥ suit, minimum 6-7 HCPs ♠ 8   ♥ Q 10 9 7 6 2   ♣ A 9 6 4   ♦ 6 2
2♦ - 2NT - 3♦ suit, maximum 8-10 HCPs ♠ A J 8 6 4 3   ♥ 9 8 6   ♣ A 7 6 4   ♦ 5
2♦ - 2NT - 3♣ suit, maximum 8-10 HCPs ♠ 5   ♥ K Q J 9 7 6   ♣ K 8 6 4   ♦ 7 4

After Opener's weak reply of 3♥ or 3♠, the Responder usually passes.
After Opener's positive reply of 3♣ or 3♦, a Game contract is usually reached.

A further bid by Responder one step up from Opener's previous bid asks for the number of top Honours (A, K or Q) in Opener's long suit.

  • a bid 1 step up = 1 top Honours         a bid 2 steps up = 2 top Honours         a bid 3 steps up = 3 top Honours
  • For example :

    Bidding Meaning Example hand
    2♦ - 2NT - 3♦ - 3♥ - 3♠ = 1 top Honours ♠ A J 8 6 4 3   ♥ 8 6   ♣ A 7 6 4   ♦ 9 5
    2♦ - 2NT - 3♣ - 3♦ - 3♠ = 2 top Honours ♠ 5   ♥ K Q J 9 7 6   ♣ K 8 6 4   ♦ 7 4

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    BR 29.4 - The Strong Enquiry & Strong options

    With one of the strong option hands, Opener's reply to Responder's 2NT strong enquiry are very simple :

    Bidding Meaning Example hand
    2♦ - 2NT - 3NT Balanced with 21-22 HCP ♠ A K   ♥ K J 5   ♣ A Q 8 3   ♦ K J 9 4
    2♦ - 2NT - 4♣ 4-4-4-1 shape, 17+ HCP
    singleton in the suit bid
    ♠ K Q 8 4   ♥ A Q 10 5   ♣ 4   ♦ A K 9 4

    After this the bidding usually reaches a Slam contract.

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    BR 29.5 - Bidding after Enemy interference

    Interference over a multi-2♦ Opening bid is not uncommon in cases where Opener's bid is based on a weak long major suit. The following standard actions over this are outlined below.

    A. After Opponents Double

    1. Pass = a weak hand. If 4th player passes too, Opener can make a second bid describing his hand.

    2. Bid a suit = 0-11 pts, "Pass or Correct" as normal.

    3. Bid 2NT = 12+ pts, strong enquiry as normal.

    4. DBL = own long suit and misfit with Opener : "Partner bid 2♥ next, then pass my next bid."

    B. After Opponents Suit Overcall
    1. Pass = a weak hand. If 4th player passes too, Opener can make a second bid describing his hand.

    2. Bid a suit = 0-11 pts, "Pass or Correct" as normal.

    3. DBL = 12+ pts, strong enquiry.

    4. Cue bid Enemy suit = Forcing to Game. Opener must show his hand.

    C. After Opponents 2NT Overcall
    This usually shows a weak 2-suiter of the minors with 8-12 HCPs.
    1. DBL = strong enquiry, which Opener may convert into a Penalty Double.

    2. 3♥ = Game invitation. Opener will Pass with s and min., or bid Game with s and max.

    3. 3♠ = Game invitation. Opener will Pass with s and min., or bid Game with s and max.

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    BR 29.6 - Deal 129 - 136

    Deals 129 to 136 are examples of bidding as outlined in this lesson.

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    Copyright © 2011 Michael Furstner (Jazclass). All rights reserved.