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BR 37.4 - Cuebid raises after Partner's
Cuebid raises are also very effective after Partner entered the bidding
with and Overcall over Opponent's Opening bid in a suit.
In this
scenario the Cuebid raise retains its normal meaning : 10+ HCP with 3+ card
trump support.
Responses are :
- (1♦) - 1♠ - (2♦) - 3♦ =
10+ HCP, 3+ spades
(Cuebid raise)
- (1♦) - 1♠ - (2♦) - 2♠ = 6-9
HCP , 3 spades
- (1♦) - 1♠ - (2♦) - 3♠ = 6-9
HCP , 4+ spades, no singleton or void
- (1♦) - 1♠ - (2♦) - 4♠ = 6-9
HCP , 4+ spades, singleton or void
A 1-level Overcall can be as weak as 8 HCP. In such case, after Partner's
Cuebid raise, the Overcaller (with 8-12 HCP, or 8+ losers) signs off at
the lowest level rebid of his suit.
With a stronger hand the Overcaller
either bids a new suit or raises to Game himself.
(Down - Up -
BR 37.5 - Deal 205 - 212
Deals 205 - 212 are examples of bidding as outlined in this
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© 2012 Michael Furstner (Jazclass).