Biographical Log of Michael Furstner - Page 200
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Sunday & Monday, March 6 & 7 2011
While driving along the Stuart Highway last Friday,
feeling some small anxiety about possible flooding of the road ahead of me,
suddenly a small rhyme my Grandmother used to say to us regularly in Holland came
into my mind :
- Een mens lijdt het meest
onder de dingen die hij vreest maar die nooit op
komen dagen . . .
Translated into English it would approximately be :
- A person suffers most
from the things he fears but which never eventuate . .
In other words (and as we all know too well) our own mind can be one of our greatest
enemies. But, by acknowledging the wisdom of above rhyme, our mind can also be our best
protector (against itself) by negating our fear or anxiety through moderation and
I guess it needs practice, but my Grandmother's rhyme always comes to my
rescue in anxious situations. And this is exactly what the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus had in mind when he added Thought
("to overcome anxieties") to his list of factors which can help us achieve happiness.
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Tuesday, March 8 2011
Last night for my first evening back at the Arafura Bridge Club, where a 2-week Teams
competition has started. We did reasonably well and had a lot of fun, accompanied of
course by a few bottles of wine.
I also received some sad news this week. The end has finally come for our former
family business Martinshof as a
self contained business located in Apeldoorn.
At the end of this month only its name will be retained while a skeleton staff will
be transferred to the head office of the present Dutch mother company (Aurum) in Zaandam (just north west of

Martinshof moves : Eefde & Gorssel > Twello (near Deventer) > Apeldoorn > > > Zaandam
Most of the long standing loyal employees (some having served the company for 30-40 years!)
are being made redundant. As a result one of the hallmark features of the
original Martinshof business : its well established close personal contacts and
relationships with its jeweler customers will be largely lost.
Martinshof, as a self contained unit, has been the most profitable company within the
Aurum group, but it appears that a narrow minded management perspective, focused
solely on "the bottom line", has prevailed. Modern day business philosophy
(exemplified by my father's running of Martinshof and now also gradually being
considered in Government policies of
an increasing number of countries), which includes serious quantified
considerations of the well-being of its employees and of the wider community,
has clearly not reached this Dutch company as yet.
Harry Harberts (long standing Martinshof employee since 1970) is organising a
"Farewell party" of Martinshof as it used to be. It will be held on April 1 (2011) in
Zutphen, the place where my parents started
their lifelong highly creative adventure in the jewelry business. Many of the former as
well as present staff will attend.
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Wednesday & Thursday, March 9 & 10 2011
Heavy downpours alternating with dry overcast skies are the order of the day with
rarely a glimpse of blue sky. But as a result it remains relatively cool (low to mid
20s °C) and I love it. It is wonderful to sit snug and cosy in my cabin, writing
away on my laptop, while the rain is gushing down the roof.
Tuesday afternoon I collided against the back of a car which suddenly stopped
in front of me, in a median strip while tuning into a main road. The classic situation
of an overcautious driver (in the car in front of me) seeing a car on the main road
approaching, but as yet too far away to have to stop for.
"Oh, that has happened to me before." said the very polite
driver to me. Why didn't that surprise me at all? My right headlight area is
damaged and will cost me $500 "own risk" before the insurance picks up the rest of the
bill. But I can still drive the car and even the right hand lights are still working.
Well, one has to live with such things occasionally.
I am back into the swing of things with bridge (although still somewhat jaded from the
long journey), playing both Thursday afternoon in Darwin and Thursday evening in
Palmerston. Freda and I will be
regularly pairing up on Thursday evenings again, which we both enjoy, we have been
playing together for many years.
I received an email from Trisha, the Head of the Casuarina Seniors College (CSC) night
classes, confirming my offer to run a Blues improvisation course next Term (Term 2 - starting April 29). It
will go ahead provided at least 8 students enroll. Something different for me to do.
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Copyright © 2011 Michael Furstner