7. A mass of just 20 pounds created the Universe --------------------------- Previous - Next - Contents Can you see this small red dot . ?
Try to imagine it in your mind at least a thousand times smaller and you get
close to (what the current scientists believe is) the original size
of the entire universe we now live in.
At one point, (if it is at all possible to think in terms of time then) an
unknown event but perhaps as simple as a drop in temperature, this tiny
dot exploded and in a fraction of time expanded to a size and scale more
in keeping with the size of our present universe today. (Although
still smaller than at present, as the universe has kept expanding ever
since, but at a much slower rate.) This happened roughly 14.5 billion years
The explosion also created trillions of tiny particles, protons, neutrons,
electron, which in turn partly formed atoms of the simplest elements such as
helium and hydrogen. As things quietened down a bit the particles clustered
together into burning stars. When burned out the stars exploded leaving
"ashes" of heavier elements behind. Through this life cycle of birth - growth - decay - death stars kept producing
ever more complex elements. These in turn started to cluster together too
into planets which, through gravity forces kept rotating around
Perhaps you know all (or most) of this stuff already, but do you consciously
consider your own life in this wider (literally "universal") context ? A
picture, I believe, always helps to visualise things in your mind,
increasing your awareness, of what is and where you are at,
and of the true reality as far as we know it.
In another 5 billion years or so the sun will have burned up all its fuel,
explode and blow all its surrounding planets (including us) to smithereens.
We are therefore at about the halfway point of the solar system's
life span. Copyright © 2010 Michael Furstner