Lesson 9 : Quiz ANSWERS

Quiz 9 - Lesson 9 - Links page

  1. West (Declarer) holds S : K Q 7 6     East (Dummy) holds S : 9 4 3
    How can you play a Finesse here ?
    Play a small Spade from Dummy, if South plays low
    1. play the King in West.
    2. Then, if possible, go back to Dummy's hand with another suit and play a second low Spade from Dummy
    3. If South plays low again play Declarer's Queen.

    If on the other hand South plays the Ace immediately it will win the trick, but you now have established two additional winners in West.
    If North instead holds the Ace of Spades you will always lose one of your to high cards (K or Q) in this finesse play.

  2. West (Declarer) holds H : 5 4 2     East (Dummy) holds H : Q J 7
    What is you best chance of making a trick with this holding ?
    Play a low Heart from Declarer's hand. If North plays low play the Queen from Dummy. Go back to Declarer's hand and play low a second time up to Dummy's Jack.
    If North holds at least one of the two missing high cards (A and K) you will win one trick this way.

  3. West (Declarer) holds H : Q 4 2     East (Dummy) holds H : J 10 7
    What is you best chance of making a trick with this holding ?
    This is not a finesse play. You hold Q J and 10 in the combined hand. As long as you play only one of these three cards to each trick you will always win one trick.

  4. What is the difference between an Indirect and a Direct Finesse ?
    In an Indirect Finesse a low card is played from one hand, up to a high card in the other.

    In a Direct Finesse a high card is played from one hand, up to a higher card in the other. .

  5. To make a Direct Finesse, which cards should you as a rule normally hold ?
    At least 4 of the top 6 cards in a suit (A K Q J 10 and 9).

    Is there an exception to this rule ?
    When you only need to make 2 tricks with A x x opposite Q J.

  6. Should you finesse for the Queen of Hearts in the following situation ?

    West = H - A K 6 4 2             East = H - J 10 9

    Yes. Lead the Jack from East, hoping to catch the Queen if it is held by South.

  7. Should you finesse for the Queen of Hearts in the following situation ?

    West = H - A K 6 4 2             East = H - J 10 9 5

    No. With 9 cards in the combined hands in general play Ace, then the King hoping to drop the Queen.

    Rule when to finesse the Queen = 8 ever, 9 never.

(Quiz 9 - Lesson 9 - Top - Links page)

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