Lesson 10 : Quiz ANSWERS

Quiz 10 - Lesson 10 - Links page

  1. What is the difference between an indirect and a direct finesse ?
    In an indirect finesse you lead a small card from one hand up to a high card in the other hand.
    In a direct finesse you lead a high card from one hand up to a higher card in the other hand.

  2. What type of play is an indirect finesse ?
    A defensive play

  3. What type of play is a direct finesse ?
    An attacking play

  4. How many of the top cards should you generally hold to make a direct finesse ?
    At least 4, but preferably 5, of the Honour cards

  5. You hold   A x x   opposite   Q J x
    In what situation should you consider taking a direct finesse ?
    When you need 2 tricks only and can not afford to lose a trick

  6. West holds   A Q x x   opposite East's   J 10 x x
    How do you finesse ?
    Lead the Jack from East. If South plays low, play low in West. If the trick holds play next round a low card from East to the Queen in West for an indirect finesse.

  7. West holds   A Q x x   opposite East's   J x x x
    How do you finesse ?
    Lead a low card from East for and indirect finesse towards West's Queen. You have not enough Honour cards for a direct finesse.

  8. West holds   A K x x   opposite East's   J 10 x x
    How do you play this ?
    If you can first lead the Ace from West. Then gain the lead in East via a side suit to lead East's Jack for a direct finesse against South's Queen. If it holds the trick, next round play low in East and the King in West, hoping to drop the Queen on the third round.

  9. West holds   A K x x x   opposite East's   J 10 x x
    How do you play this ?
    First lead the Ace, then the King from West, playing for the drop of the Queen : "eight ever, nine never".
    Only finesse in this situation when you need to keep South off the lead.

  10. West holds   A K   opposite East's   J 10 x x in a side suit
    How do you play this in a trump contract ?
    After drawing the enemy's trumps, play the Ace, then the King from West. Then gain the lead in East and lead the Jack for a ruffing finesse against South's Queen. If South plays low, discard a loser in West's hand.

(Quiz 10 - Lesson 10 - Top - Links page)

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