Lesson 10 : Quiz ANSWERS Quiz 10 - Lesson 10 - Links page
- What is the difference between an indirect and a direct finesse ?
In an indirect finesse you lead a small card from one hand up to a high card in the other hand. In a direct finesse you lead a high card from one hand up to a higher card in the other hand.
- What type of play is an indirect finesse ?
A defensive play
- What type of play is a direct finesse ?
An attacking play
- How many of the top cards should you generally hold to make a direct finesse ?
At least 4, but preferably 5, of the Honour cards
- You hold A x x opposite Q J x
In what situation should you consider taking a direct finesse ?
When you need 2 tricks only and can not afford to lose a trick
- West holds A Q x x opposite East's J 10 x x
How do you finesse ?
Lead the Jack from East. If South plays low, play low in West. If the trick holds play next round a low card from East to the Queen in West for an indirect finesse.
- West holds A Q x x opposite East's J x x x
How do you finesse ?
Lead a low card from East for and indirect finesse towards West's Queen. You have not enough Honour cards for a direct finesse.
- West holds A K x x opposite East's J 10 x x
How do you play this ?
If you can first lead the Ace from West. Then gain the lead in East via a side suit to lead East's Jack for a direct finesse against South's Queen. If it holds the trick, next round play low in East and the King in West, hoping to drop the Queen on the third round.
- West holds A K x x x opposite East's J 10 x x
How do you play this ?
First lead the Ace, then the King from West, playing for the drop of the Queen : "eight ever, nine never". Only finesse in this situation when you need to keep South off the lead.
- West holds A K opposite East's J 10 x x in a side suit
How do you play this in a trump contract ?
After drawing the enemy's trumps, play the Ace, then the King from West. Then gain the lead in East and lead the Jack for a ruffing finesse against South's Queen. If South plays low, discard a loser in West's hand.
(Quiz 10 - Lesson 10 - Top - Links page)
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