Comment on NT Responses
The standard responses after a 1 in a suit opening bid are :

1NT =  6-10 points : need not be balanced

2NT = 13-15 points : balanced (forcing to Game)

3NT = 16-18 points : balanced
However when both sides are competing to secure a contract the situation has changed.
A responder is much less likely to hold 16 or more points, and the bidding space with both sides making calls, has become rather congested.
Therefore NT responses
to a takeout double (Lesson 14.4), or
to Partner's opening bid after an enemy overcall (Lesson 19.1) are :

1NT =  6-10 points : need not be balanced, with stopper in the enemy suit

2NT = 11-12 points : balanced, with stopper in the enemy suit (invitation to Game)

3NT = 13-15 points : balanced, with stopper in the enemy suit

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Copyright © 2006 Michael Furstner (Jazclass)