(Down Fast - Up - Top)
BR 19.2 - Double after a Minor & Minor
When both the Opener and Overcaller bid a minor suit,
the Double shows both major suits.
With a weak hand (6-10 points) the holding may be 4-4, or 4-5, or even 4-6.
With 4 or more cards in only one of the majors bid that major suit, but only at the 1 level.
With all 11+ points hands it shows exactly 4 cards in both majors.
With only one major suit bid that 4+ card suit at the 1 level, but at the 2 level only with 5+ cards in the suit.

Do not double when you hold only one 4 card major suit but bid the suit at the 1 level instead.
A suit bid at the 2 level however requires a 5 card suit or longer and at least 11 points. Such a bid is forcing for one round (Opener may not pass).
(Down - Up - Top)
Hand 1
You have (7½ HCP + 1 LP =) 8½ points, and 4-5 distibution in the major suits.
- 1♣ - (1♦) - Your response = DBL
- 1♦ - (2♣) - Your response = DBL
(Down - Up - Top)
Hand 2
You have (11½ HCP + 0 LP =) 11½ points, and 4-4 distibution in the major suits.
- 1♣ - (1♦) - Your response = DBL
- 1♦ - (2♣) - Your response = DBL
(Down - Up - Top)
Hand 3
You have (11½ HCP + 1 LP =) 12½ points, and 4-5 distibution in the major suits.
- 1♣ - (1♦) - Your response = 1♥
- 1♦ - (2♣) - Your response = 2♥
With 11+ points and a 5+ card suit always bid that suit, do not double.