Lesson Deals - Overview

Deals : 17-32 - 33-48 - 49-64 - 65-80 - 81-92 - 93-104 - 105-116 - 117-128 - 129-140
           141-152 - 153-168 - 169-184 - 185-200 - 201-216

Individual Hands for all Deals - Bidding Conventions - Links page

Deal Feature

Deal 1 - Solo Bidding
Lesson 4 - No Trump Opening bids
T by T - High card from the short side first principle
Deal 2 - Solo Bidding T by T - High card from the short side first principle
Deal 3 - Solo Bidding T by T - Forcing out opponents Ace to set up winners in a suit
Deal 4 - Solo Bidding T by T - Overtaking an Honour with an Honour to gain entry to Dummy

Deal 5 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 5 - One in a Suit Opening bids
T by T - Drawing trumps first - Establish a winner by ruffing - Discarding a loser
Deal 6 - Solo Bidding T by T - Drawing trumps first - 8 ever 9 never - Discarding a loser
Deal 7 - Solo Bidding T by T - Discarding losers - establishing an extra trick when opponents' cards are divided 3-3
Deal 8 - Solo Bidding T by T - Discarding losers - drawing the opponents' losing trumps only

Deal   9 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 6 - NT Responses after a 1 in a Suit Opening
T by T - Forcing out opponents Ace to establish winners
Deal 10 - Solo Bidding T by T - Establishing winners in a long suit
Deal 11 - Solo Bidding T by T - Hold up play - Forcing out opponent's Ace to establish winners
Deal 12 - Solo Bidding T by T - Establishing a long suit - Handling a 9-card suit including Ace and Queen

Deal 13 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 7 - Bidding a New Suit
T by T - Overtaking an Honour with an Honour to transfer the lead - Discarding a loser
Deal 14 - Solo Bidding T by T - Playing through Dummy's strength - Forcing out opponent's Ace to establish winners
Deal 15 - Solo Bidding T by T - Ruffing in Dummy before drawing trumps - Finesse of K Q against the Ace
Deal 16 - Solo Bidding T by T - Discarding losers before drawing trumps - Forcing out opponent's Ace to establish winners

Down - Up - Top)

Deal 17 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 8 - Suit Responses after a 1 NT Opening
T by T - Discarding a loser before drawing trumps - The Indirect Finesse against the King
Deal 18 - Solo Bidding T by T - Stayman Convention - Discarding losers before drawing trumps
Direct finesse against the King
Deal 19 - Solo Bidding T by T - Discarding losers before drawing trumps - Forcing out opponents Ace to establish winners
Deal 20 - Solo Bidding T by T - Direct finesse by the Defence - Repeated Indirect finesse against the Queen

Deal 21 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 9 - The Indirect Finesse
Indirect finesse against the K - Selecting the correct finesse - Refusing a dangerous finesse
Deal 22 - Solo Bidding Taking a safe finesse for a possible overtrick trick   -   Covering all the percentages
Deal 23 - Solo Bidding Taking 2 finesse to increase the success rate - Taking finesses in the right order
Deal 24 - Solo Bidding 'Hold up' play technique - Establishing a 4th winner when opponents cards are divided 3-3
Taking a safe finesse for a possible over trick - Covering all the percentages

Deal 25 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 10 - The Direct Finesse
Direct finesse by the Defence
Covering opponents Honour with an Honour to promote a lower card to a winner
Deal 26 - Solo Bidding Ruffing finesse
Deal 27 - Solo Bidding Stayman - Blackwood - 8 ever 9 never - Direct finesse - Safety play in a finesse
Deal 28 - Solo Bidding Rule of 11 - Selecting the right finesse

Deal 29 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 11 - Bidding by a Passed Hand
Ruffing a loser in Dummy before drawing trumps
Defence leading trumps to prevent Dummy from ruffing
Deal 30 - Solo Bidding Direct finesse against the Queen - Indirect finesse against the King
Deal 31 - Solo Bidding Ignoring a possible finesse - Indirect finesse against the Queen
Deal 32 - Solo Bidding Direct double finesse against K and Q

Down - Up - Top)

Deal 33 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 12 - Handling a Trump Suit
Drawing the opponents' losing trumps only - Setting up winners in a long suit by ruffing
Deal 34 - Solo Bidding Card signal by the Defence - Ducking play to maintain control of the trump suit
Drawing opponents' losing trumps only - Direct finesse against the Queen
Deal 35 - Solo Bidding Cross ruff play - Cashing the side suit winners first
Deal 36 - Solo Bidding Blackwood Convention - Dummy Reversal play
Overtaking an Honour with an Honour to transfer the lead
Ruffing with Declarer's high cards to preserve Dummy's trump entry

Deal 37 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 13 - Preemptive Opening bids
Establishing a long suit
Deal 38 - Solo Bidding Ruffing losers with Dummy's trumps before drawing trumps
Deal 39 - Solo Bidding Sacrifice bid - Developing a long suit by ruffing
Deal 40 - Solo Bidding Sacrifice bid - Ruffing losers with Dummy's trumps

Deal 41 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 14 - Overcalls & Takeout Doubles
Indirect finessing twice - discarding losers on High cards and by ruffing
Deal 42 - Solo Bidding Discarding a loser before drawing trumps - finessing against a 10
Deal 43 - Solo Bidding Direct and Indirect finesses
Deal 44 - Solo Bidding Ruffing high to prevent an over ruff

Deal 45 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 15 - The Deep Finesse
Double finesse as best percentage play - Winning an extra trick when opponents cards break 3-3
Deal 46 - Solo Bidding Double finesse as best percentage play - Refusing a finesse
Deal 47 - Solo Bidding Careful use of Dummy's entries - Ruffing double finesse as best percentage play
Deal 48 - Solo Bidding Blackwood Convention - Double finesse as best percentage play - Refusing a finesse

Down - Up - Top)

Deal 49 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 15 - The Deep Finesse
Playing low to establish a winner holding only Q and J - Playing the safe finesse
Deal 50 - Solo Bidding Stayman Convention - The Bath Coup - Preventing the dangerous opponent of winning the lead
Deal 51 - Solo Bidding Covering an Honour to promote a trick - Free finesse
Deal 52 - Solo Bidding Blackwood Convention - Signal by the Defence - Deep finesse - Ruff and Sluff

Deal 53 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 16 - Weak and Strong Two Opening bids
Selecting the most productive finesse option
Deal 54 - Solo Bidding Ogust Convention - Indirect double finesse
Deal 55 - Solo Bidding Ogust Convention - Indirect double finesse
Deal 56 - Solo Bidding Takeout Double - Sacrifice bidding - Direct finesse

Deal 57 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 17 - The Duck and the Throw In
2C opening bid - Duck to preserve an entry
Deal 58 - Solo Bidding Duck to drop an Honour - Throw in for an end play
Deal 59 - Solo Bidding Throw in via a trump loser for an end play
Deal 60 - Solo Bidding Blackwood Convention - Throw in for an end play

Deal 61 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 18 - Hold Up and Avoidance Plays
Hold Up - Avoidance play
Deal 62 - Solo Bidding Stayman Convention - Hold Up - Avoidance play
Deal 63 - Solo Bidding Hold Up - Avoidance play
Deal 64 - Solo Bidding Hold Up - Avoidance play

Down - Up - Top)

Deal 65 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 19 - The Negative Double Response
Negative Double - Ruffing before drawing trumps - Double finesse
Deal 66 - Solo Bidding Negative Double - Bath Coup - Avoidance play
Deal 67 - Solo Bidding Negative Double - Free finesse - Double finesse
Deal 68 - Solo Bidding Responder showing a 5 card suit - Safety play

Deal 69 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 20 - Trump play technique
Stayman Convention - Discarding a loser on a winner in an other side suit
Developing Dummy's long suit by ruffing
Deal 70 - Solo Bidding Ruffing finesse - Loser on loser play
Deal 71 - Solo Bidding Ruffing in Dummy before drawing trumps - Using a ruff as entry to Declarer's hand
Deal 72 - Solo Bidding Promoting a trick by covering an Honour - Loser on loser play - Safety play

Deal 73 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 21 - Play by the Defence
Overcall - Leading Partner's suit - Double finesse by the Defence
Deal 74 - Solo Bidding Leading up to Dummy's weakness - Direct finesse by the Defence
Deal 75 - Solo Bidding Direct finesse by the Defence - Safety play - Leading up to Dummy's weakness
Deal 76 - Solo Bidding Concealing Honours from the Defence - Deducing the length of Declarer's suit - Direct finesse by the Defence

Deal 77 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 22 - Optional bids for the Defence
The Unusual 2NT overcall - Sacrifice bid
Deal 78 - Solo Bidding Michaels Cue bid - Finding Partner's long minor suit
Deal 79 - Solo Bidding Defence against a weak two opening - Double finesse - Leading up to Dummy's weakness
Deal 80 - Solo Bidding The Unusual 2NT overcall - Sacrifice bid - Deductions from bidding and play

Down - Up - Top)

Deal 81 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 23 - Slam Bidding Conventions
Cue bidding - Taking a safe finesse
Deal 82 - Solo Bidding Cue bidding - Deduction from the auction by the Defence
Deal 83 - Solo Bidding Roman Key card Blackwood
Deal 84 - Solo Bidding Cue bidding

Deal 85 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 23 - Slam Bidding Conventions
Roman Key card Blackwood - Ruffing losers in Dummy
Deal 86 - Solo Bidding Roman Key card Blackwood - Ruffing losers in Dummy
Deal 87 - Solo Bidding Roman Key card Blackwood - Creating a situation where Declarer can ruff his loser in Dummy
Deal 88 - Solo Bidding Roman Key card Blackwood or Cue bidding - Trump Ask bid - Ruffing losers in Dummy

Deal 89 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 24 - Alternative Hand Valuations
Long suit trial bid - Leading up to Dummy's weakness - Refusing a finesse
Deal 90 - Solo Bidding Long suit trial bid - Double finesse - Testing an enemy 3-3 split in a side suit
Deal 91 - Solo Bidding Long suit trial bid - Blackwood Convention
Deal 92 - Solo Bidding Long suit trial bid - Defence not leading trumps

Down - Up - Top)

Deal 93 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 25 - 4th Suit Forcing
4th suit forcing - Leading through Dummy's strength - Avoidance play
Deal 94 - Solo Bidding 4th suit forcing - Only drawing Opponents' losing trumps - Ruffing finesse
Deal 95 - Solo Bidding 4th suit forcing - Refusing to ruff
Deal 96 - Solo Bidding Natural 4th suit - Forcing Opponents to ruff

Deal 97 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 25 - 4th Suit Forcing
4th suit forcing - Refusing a finesse - Testing 3-3 card splits
Deal 98 - Solo Bidding 4th suit forcing - Spotting the card distribution
Deal 99 - Solo Bidding 4th suit forcing - The Opponents are listening too!
Deal 100 - Solo Bidding 4th suit forcing - Deep finesse - Double finesse

Deal 101 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 25 - 4th Suit Forcing
4th suit forcing - Anticipating a 4-2 trumps split
Deal 102 - Solo Bidding Natural 4th suit bid - Indirect finesse - Direct finesse
Deal 103 - Solo Bidding Natural jump rebid - Not leading trumps from Q x or J x x
Deal 104 - Solo Bidding 4th suit forcing - Blackwood Convention - Rare lead of an Ace against Slam contracts

Down - Up - Top)

Deal 105 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 25a - Delayed support
Delayed support - Responder bidding a "false" minor suit
Deal 106 - Solo Bidding Delayed support - Responder bidding a "false" major suit
Deal 107 - Solo Bidding Delayed support - Responder denying outside stoppers
Deal 108 - Solo Bidding Delayed support - Responder showing outside stoppers

Deal 109 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 26 - More Slam bidding approaches
Splinter bid - Cue bidding Aces - Ruffing in Dummy
Deal 110 - Solo Bidding Splinter bid - Cue bidding Aces - Double finesse
Deal 111 - Solo Bidding Splinter bid - Blackwood or RKC Blackwood
Deal 112 - Solo Bidding Splinter bid afer a minor suit trump fit

Deal 113 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 26 - More Slam bidding approaches
Showing stoppers after a minor suit fit
Deal 114 - Solo Bidding Showing stoppers after a minor suit fit
Deal 115 - Solo Bidding Slam Trial bid - Positive response by cue bidding an Ace
Deal 116 - Solo Bidding Slam Trial bid - Negative response

Down - Up - Top)

Deal 117 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 27 - Transfers after 1NT Opening
Suit transfer
Deal 118 - Solo Bidding Jump suit transfer
Deal 119 - Solo Bidding Range enquiry
Deal 120 - Solo Bidding Puppet

Deal 121 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 27 - Transfers after 1NT Opening
Range enquiry
Deal 122 - Solo Bidding Suit transfer : showing a 6-card suit
Deal 123 - Solo Bidding Suit transfer : showing a strong 2-suiter
Deal 124 - Solo Bidding Rubinsohl Stayman over Enemy interference

Deal 125 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 28 - Responses over a Take-out Double
Truscot 2NT
Deal 126 - Solo Bidding Suit raise over a Take-out Double
Deal 127 - Solo Bidding RDBL ovr a Take-out Double
Deal 128 - Solo Bidding Truscott 2NT

Down - Up - Top)

Deal 129 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 29 - The Multi-2♦ Opening bid
Pass or Correct
Deal 130 - Solo Bidding Invitation to Game in Hearts, positive response
Deal 131 - Solo Bidding Strong enquiry, maximum major response
Deal 132 - Solo Bidding Pass or Correct, strong balanced hand

Deal 133 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 29 - The Multi-2♦ Opening bid
Invitation to Game in Hearts, Negative response
Deal 134 - Solo Bidding Strong enquiry, weak major response
Deal 135 - Solo Bidding Strong enquiry, strong balanced hand response
Deal 136 - Solo Bidding Strong enquiry, Acol minor 2 response

Deal 137 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 30 - RCO 2 Openings
2♥ Opening - Pass or Correct
Deal 138 - Solo Bidding 2♠ Opening - Relay
Deal 139 - Solo Bidding 2♠ Opening - responding over a Take-out DBL
Deal 140 - Solo Bidding 2NT Opening - Relay

Down - Up - Top)

Deal 141 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 30 - RCO 2 Openings
2NT Opening - Relay
Deal 142 - Solo Bidding 2♥ Opening - Relay
Deal 143 - Solo Bidding 2♠ Opening - responding over a Take-out DBL
Deal 144 - Solo Bidding 2♠ Opening - responding over a Take-out DBL

Deal 145 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 31 - Jacopy 2NT Convention
3NT reply
Deal 146 - Solo Bidding showing a singleton or void
Deal 147 - Solo Bidding showing a 5-card side suit
Deal 148 - Solo Bidding the weak reply

Deal 149 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 31 - Jacopy 2NT Convention
showing a singleton or void
Deal 150 - Solo Bidding showing a strong hand
Deal 151 - Solo Bidding the weak reply
Deal 152 - Solo Bidding showing a 5-card side suit

Down - Up - Top)

Deal 153 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 32 - Drury 2♣ - Crowhurst 2♣
Deal 154 - Solo Bidding Crowhurst
Deal 155 - Solo Bidding Crowhurst
Deal 156 - Solo Bidding Drury

Deal 157 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 32 - Drury 2♣ - Crowhurst 2♣
Deal 158 - Solo Bidding Drury
Deal 159 - Solo Bidding Drury
Deal 160 - Solo Bidding Crowhurst

Deal 161 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 33 - Multi cues
Deal 162 - Solo Bidding Multi cues
Deal 163 - Solo Bidding Multi cues
Deal 164 - Solo Bidding Multi cues

Deal 165 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 33 - Kabel 3NT
Kabel 3NT
Deal 166 - Solo Bidding Kabel 3NT
Deal 167 - Solo Bidding Kabel 3NT
Deal 168 - Solo Bidding Kabel 3NT

Down - Up - Top)

Deal 169 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 34 - Inverted Minor raises
Inverted Minor raises
Deal 170 - Solo Bidding Inverted Minor raises
Deal 171 - Solo Bidding Inverted Minor raises
Deal 172 - Solo Bidding Inverted Minor raises

Deal 173 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 34 - Inverted Minor raises
Inverted Minor raises
Deal 174 - Solo Bidding Inverted Minor raises
Deal 175 - Solo Bidding Inverted Minor raises
Deal 176 - Solo Bidding Inverted Minor raises

Deal 177 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 34 - Inverted Minor raises
Inverted Minor raises
Deal 178 - Solo Bidding Inverted Minor raises
Deal 179 - Solo Bidding Inverted Minor raises
Deal 180 - Solo Bidding Inverted Minor raises

Deal 181 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 35 - Power 1NT Opening
Power 1NT Opening
Deal 182 - Solo Bidding Power 1NT Opening
Deal 183 - Solo Bidding Power 1NT Opening
Deal 184 - Solo Bidding Inverted Minor raises

Down - Up - Top)

Deal 185 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 35 - Power 1NT Opening
Power 1NT Opening
Deal 186 - Solo Bidding Power 1NT Opening
Deal 187 - Solo Bidding Power 1NT Opening
Deal 188 - Solo Bidding Power 1NT Opening

Deal 189 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 35 - Crowhurst
Crowhurst 2♣
Deal 190 - Solo Bidding Crowhurst 2♣
Deal 191 - Solo Bidding Crowhurst 2♣
Deal 192 - Solo Bidding Crowhurst 2♣

Deal 193 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 35 - Crowhurst
Crowhurst 2♣
Deal 194 - Solo Bidding Crowhurst 2♣
Deal 195 - Solo Bidding Crowhurst 2♣
Deal 196 - Solo Bidding Crowhurst 2♣

Deal 197 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 36 - Bergen raises
Bergen raises
Deal 198 - Solo Bidding Bergen raises
Deal 199 - Solo Bidding Bergen raises
Deal 200 - Solo Bidding Bergen raises

Down - Up - Top)

Deal 201 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 36 - Bergen raises
Bergen raises
Deal 202 - Solo Bidding Bergen raises
Deal 203 - Solo Bidding Bergen raises
Deal 204 - Solo Bidding Bergen raises

Deal 205 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 37 - Cuebid raises
Cuebid raises
Deal 206 - Solo Bidding Cuebid raises
Deal 207 - Solo Bidding Cuebid raises
Deal 208 - Solo Bidding raises

Deal 209 - Solo Bidding

Lesson 37 - Cuebid raises
Cuebid raises
Deal 210 - Solo Bidding Cuebid raises
Deal 211 - Solo Bidding Cuebid raises
Deal 212 - Solo Bidding raises

© 2012 Michael Furstner