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BR 36.1 - The Bergen Raises
In recent years competitive bridge players have become increasingly
aware of the superior trick taking potential with a 5-4 (9
card) super trump fit compared to the standard 5-3 (8 card)
trump fit.
Although this advantage exists at all combined
strength levels, it is especially significant when both sides hold
in the vicinity of 20 points and compete for a Part score
In such situation the Law of Total
Tricks holds sway, which predicts that
- when a side holds an 8-card trump fit they are likely to
make 8 tricks in their designated trump contract
- when a side holds a 9-card trump fit they are likely to
make 9 tricks in their designated trump suit
The Bergen Raises (created by the American bridge player
Matty Bergen) are specifically designed to distinguish between
a 5-3 and a 5-4 trump fit after Partner opened 1♥ or 1♠ (showing a 5+card major
The Bergen Raises are :
- 1♥ - 3♥ (or 1♠ - 3♠) = 4+ trump
support and 2-6 HCP
- 1♥ or 1♠ - 3♣ = 4+ trump
support and 7-9 HCP
- 1♥ or 1♠ - 3♦ = 4+ trump
support and 10-12 HCP
- Note that after a 3♣ or
3♦ response
- Opener with only
12-13 points can still sign off in three of his major suit,
- and that Opener's rebid of 3NT can be used as
But whatever Opener decides, Responder's bid at the 3-level makes it
hard for the Opponents to get into the auction.
The above three responses complement the already existing 5-4 super
trump fit responses of :
- 1♥ - 4♥ (1♠ - 4♠) = Pre-emptive raise : 4+ trump support, 6-10 HCP and
singleton or void
- 1♥ (1♠) - 4♣ = Splinter : 4+ support, 11+ HCP and
singleton or void in the suit bid
Here follow some examples.
Ex. 1
| Opener (W)
♠ A 8
♥ K J 8 5 3
♦ A 9 5
♣ Q 9 2
| Responder (E)
♠ 9 7 5 4
♥ Q 9 7 3
♦ 8 7 4
♣ J 6
| Comment
Opener's 3♥ shows 4-card support
and 2-6 HCP. Opener passes. With only 17 HCP between them the
contract will probably go down, but Opponents would have made a sure
contract at the 2-level, and are likely to go down themselves if the
bid over 3♥.
Bidding : (W) 1♥ -
3♥ - Pass
Ex. 2
| Opener (W)
♠ A 8
♥ K J 8 5 3
♦ A 9 5
♣ Q 9 2
| Responder (E)
♠ K 8 5
♥ Q 10 7 4
♦ K 9 7 3
♣ 6 2
| Comment
With a minimum Opener signs off in 3♥.
Bidding : (W)
1♥ -
3♣ - 3♥ - Pass
Ex. 3
| Opener (W)
♠ A 8
♥ K J 8 5 3
♦ A 9 5
♣ Q 9 2
| Responder (E)
♠ K 8 5
♥ A Q 9 7
♦ K 9 7 3
♣ 6 2
| Comment
Opener knows there is enough strength for 4♥.
Bidding : (W)
1♥ -
3♦ - 4♥ - Pass
Ex. 4
| Opener (W)
♠ A 8
♥ K 10 8 5 3
♦ A 9
♣ A K 5 2
| Responder (E)
♠ K Q 5
♥ A Q 9 7 2
♦ 8 7 4
♣ 8 6
| Comment
3NT is RKC Blackwood. Responder shows 1 Ace and must
therefore have 6-8 points in other Honours. So Opener decides to go
the Slam. (Opener's next bid of 4♠ would ask for the trump
Bidding : (W)
1♥ -
3♦ - 3NT - 4♦ - 6♥ - Pass
(Down - Up -
BR 36.2 - Jacoby 2NT with 4+card
trump support
The Jacoby 2NT
convention is commonly used in conjunction with the Bergen
In its standard form it covers all Game force Responder hands
which contain 13+ points and 4+card trump support. When
Splinter raises are also used, the 2NT response also
denies holding a void or singleton.
Response hands with only 3-card trump support and 10+
points bid a new suit first, then raise Opener's major.
Here is a list of the entire range of 3-card and 4+card trump
support responses.
With 3-card trump support
- 1♥ - Pass =
3-card trump support and 0-5 HCP
- 1♥ - 2♥ = 3-card
trump support and 6-10 HCP
- 1♥ - 2♣ - next time single raise : 2♥ = 3-card trump
support and 10-12 HCP *
- 1♥ - 2♣ - next time raise to Game : 4♥ = 3-card
trump support and 13-15 HCP
- 1♥ - 2♣ - next time jump raise : 3♥ = 3-card trump
support and 16+ HCP (Slam interest)
* = But note that after 1♥ - 1♠ a rebid of 2♥ by the Responder would only show 6-
10 points.
So in this case you need to
jump to 3♥ with 10-12 points (and
Game raise to 4♥ with 13+).
With 4+card trump support
- 1♥ - 3♥ = Pre-emptive raise : 4+card trump support and 2-6 HCP
- 1♥ - 3♣ = Bergen
raise : 4+card trump support and 7-9 HCP
- 1♥ - 3♦ = Bergen
raise : 4+card trump support and 10-12 HCP
- 1♥ - 2NT =
Jacoby : 4+card support, 13+
points and no singleton or void
- 1♥ - 4♥ = Pre-emptive raise : 4+card support, 6-10 HCP and
singleton or void
- 1♥ - 4♣ = Splinter : 4+card support, 11+ HCP and
singleton or void in the suit bid
(Down - Up -
BR 36.3 - Simple Jacoby 2NT with
3+card trump support
When the Responder holds 13+ points, the possibility of a
Part-score dog fight with the Opponents has receded and the bidding
strategy should instead be clearly focused on keeping the bidding
low in order to investigating a Game or Slam contract.
As a consequence the pre-emptive use of the 5-4 trump fit has become
superfluous, although its superior strength compared to a 5-3 fit of
course remains.
With this in mind I personally recommend the use of the Jacoby 2NT
response as an all purpose Game force showing 13+ points
and 3+card (rather than 4+card) trump support.
Also after the Jacoby 2NT it is the Opener's task to describe his
hand, putting the Responder in charge of the investigation,
and of course it is the Responder who knows whether the
partnership holds a 5-4 or a 5-3 trump fit !
Using the Jacoby 2NT response in this way, greatly
simplifies the bidding with response hands of 10+ points, and
it avoids any possible ambiguity after Responder's first bid of
a new suit.
Responses with 3-card trump support now become :
- 1♥ - Pass =
3-card trump support and 0-5 HCP
- 1♥ - 2♥ = 3-card
trump support and 6-10 HCP
- 1♥ - 2♣ - next time jump raise : 3♥ = 3-card trump
support and 10-12 HCP
- 1♥ - 2NT =
3+card trump support and 13+
The two sets of responses are shown below.
And remember : 3NT after any Bergen raise is Roman Keycard Blackwood !!
(Down - Up -
BR 36.4 - Bidding after Enemy
After an Enemy Take-out Double
all Bergen raises, Jacoby 2NT responses and Splinter bids remain
intact unchanged. Other responses are natural.
After an Enemy Overcall responses
change according to the diagram below.
All other responses are natural.
(Down - Up -
BR 36.5 - Deal 197 - 204
Deals 197 - 204 are examples of bidding as outlined in this
Where used the Jacoby 2NT response shows 3+card trump support
and any shape.
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© 2012 Michael Furstner (Jazclass).