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Bidding Conventions
Rank Colour Odd 2-Openings

  1. RCO 2-Openings
  2. Bidding after 2♥
  3. Bidding after 2♠
  4. Bidding after 2NT
  5. Bidding after Opponent's DBL
  6. Bidding after Opponent's Overcall
  7. Deals 137 to 144

    Bidding Guide : advBG-9

    More recent lesson on this subject

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BR 30.1 - Rank Colour Odd 2-Openings

Since the Multi-2♦ effectively free up the traditional Opening bids of 2♥, 2♠ and 2NT, these three bids can be used for other purposes, most commonly for weak 2-suiter hands.

RCO 2s are weak 2-suiter Opening bids of 6-10 HCPs and at least a 5-5 shape. Most of the high cards should be located in the long suits and the hand typically contains 6 losers. Occasionally the hand may have only 5 losers, but never more than 7 (and then only when not vulnerable).

With virtually only 2 long suits to consider the Responder must therefore especially look at his well placed quick tricks, rather than his losers or HCPs, which determine the strength of his hand and are the key to a suitable response.

Here follow the descriptions of the three Openings and some typical example hands.

Opening Description Example hand


Two suits of the same Rank
(major or minor)

♠ K J 10 6 3     ♥ K Q 8 4 2     ♣ 7 4     ♦ 5

♠ J 5     ♥ -     ♣ K Q 9 7 4     ♦ J 10 7 4 3 2


Two suits of the same Colour
(red or black)

♠ 3     ♥ K Q 8 4 2     ♣ 7 4     ♦ Q J 9 6 5

♠ Q 10 8 4 3     ♥ 4     ♣ K J 10 7 4     ♦ 9 4


Two Odd suits
(   or   )

♠ Q 4 2     ♥ K Q 8 4 2     ♣ J 10 8 4 3     ♦ -

♠ A 10 8 7 4 3     ♥ 4     ♣ 7     ♦ Q J 9 8 4

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BR 30.2 - Bidding after 2♥

A. Weak responses (with 0-11 HCPs)
With a weak hand of up to about 11 HCP do the best you can. If you think you Opener's 2♥ bid refers to the two major suits you may even Pass. If you are not sure use your judgement or bid your cheapest 3-card suit.
Here are some typical examples :

Bidding Responder's consideration Example hand
2♥ - 2♠ If Opener has the long major suits you prefer to play in Spades. If he replies with 3♣, you will bid 3♦ next. ♠ 7 4 3     ♥ K 4     ♣ J 10 8 4     ♦ A 10 8 4

2♥ - 3♣ If Opener holds the minors you prefer to be in Clubs. If Opponents has the majors instead he will bid 3♥ next, which would be fine with you. ♠ 7     ♥ K J 4 2     ♣ K Q 8 6     ♦ 9 7 5 4

2♥ - Pass You are too weak to bid anything at all. Pass. The Opponents will most probably interfere. ♠ 7 2     ♥ Q 4 2     ♣ 9 7 5 4     ♦ 8 4 3 2

B. Strong responses (with 12+ HCPs)
With 12+ HCPs and an interest in Game bid 2NT. This is the "Relay" for the strong enquiry.
Opener will reply as follow :
  • 2♥ - 2NT - 3♣ = the minors and minimum (6-7 HCPs)

  • 2♥ - 2NT - 3♦ = the minors and maximum (8-10 HCPs)

  • 2♥ - 2NT - 3♥ = the majors and minimum (6-7 HCPs)

  • 2♥ - 2NT - 3♠ = the majors and maximum (8-10 HCPs)
Further bidding is natural or as per Partnership agreement.

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BR 30.3 - Bidding after 2♠

A. Weak responses (with 0-11 HCPs)
With a weak hand of up to about 11 HCP do the best you can. If you think Partner's Opening bid refers to the two black suits you may even Pass. If you are not sure use your judgement or bid your cheapest 3-card suit.
Here are some examples :

Bidding Responder's consideration Example hand
2♠ - 3♦ If Opener has the red suits you prefer to play in Diamonds. If he replies with 3♠, you will be happy to play there and Pass. ♠ K 4 3     ♥ 10 8 4     ♣ K 8 4     ♦ A 10 8 4

2♠ - 3♣ If Opener holds the black suits you prefer to be in Clubs. If Opponents has the red suits instead he will bid 3♦ next, which you can then covert to 3♥. ♠ 7     ♥ K J 4 2     ♣ K Q 8 6     ♦ 9 7 5 4

2♠ - Pass You are too weak to bid anything at all. Pass. The Opponents will most probably interfere. ♠ 7 2     ♥ Q 4 2     ♣ 9 7 5 4     ♦ 8 4 3 2

B. Strong responses (with 12+ HCPs)
With 12+ HCPs and an interest in Game bid 2NT. This is the "Relay" for the strong enquiry.
Opener will reply as follow :
  • 2♠ - 2NT - 3♣ = the black suits and minimum (6-7 HCPs)

  • 2♠ - 2NT - 3♦ = the red suits and minimum (6-7 HCPs)

  • 2♠ - 2NT - 3♥ = the red suits and maximum (8-10 HCPs)

  • 2♠ - 2NT - 3♠ = the black suits and maximum (8-10 HCPs)
Further bidding is natural or as per Partnership agreement.

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BR 30.4 - Bidding after 2NT

A. Weak responses (with 0-11 HCPs)
With a weak hand of up to about 11 HCP usually bid your cheapest 3-card suit or use your judgement.
But do not bid 3♣, for that is the Relay for the strong enquiry after 2NT.
Here are some examples :

Bidding Responder's consideration Example hand
2NT - 3♦ If Opener has the +s you prefer to play in Diamonds. If he replies with 3♥, you will be happy to play there and Pass. ♠ 7 4 2     ♥ K 9 4     ♣ K 8 4     ♦ A 10 8 4

2NT - 3♥ If Opener holds +s you prefer to be in Hearts. If Opponents replies 3♠ instead convert to 4♦. ♠ 7     ♥ K J 4 2     ♣ K Q 8 6     ♦ 9 7 5 4

2NT - Pass Partner for sure holds the +s, a misfit. See what happens next and hope for the best. ♠ 7     ♥ Q J 10 4 2     ♣ K J 7 5 4     ♦ 8 2

B. Strong responses (with 12+ HCPs)
With 12+ HCPs and an interest in Game bid 3♣. This is the "Relay" for the strong enquiry.
Opener will reply as follow :

  • 2NT - 3♣ - 3♦    =   s and s and minimum (6-7 HCPs)

  • 2NT - 3♣ - 3♥    =   s and s and minimum (6-7 HCPs)

  • 2NT - 3♣ - 3♠    =   s and s and maximum (8-10 HCPs)

  • 2NT - 3♣ - 3NT =   s and s and maximum (8-10 HCPs)
Further bidding is natural or as per Partnership agreement.

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BR 30.5 - Bidding after Opponent's Double

After these weak 2-Opening bids, it is not unusual for the Opponents to interfere, especially when the Responder has a weak hand too.   To cope with these situation act along the following guidelines.

After a Double by the Opponent, Responder's bid of a new suit when weak ("Pass or Correct") or the Relay of 2NT or 3♣ when strong remain the same as normal. The "Pass" and "Redouble" have additional meanings.

Bidding Responder's consideration Example hand
2♥ - (DBL) - Pass

0-11 HCPs, Responder is happy to play here if this is one of Opener's suits. Opener will correct and bid his cheapest suit otherwise.

♠ 9 4     ♥ Q J 4     ♣ Q 10 9 7     ♦ 8 7 5 2

2NT - (DBL) - Pass

0-11 HCPs, Responder shows preference for s over s, but is unable to bid them because 3♣ is the Relay bid for the strong enquiry.

♠ J 9 4     ♥ Q 4     ♣ K Q 10 9     ♦ 8 7 5 2

2♥ - (DBL) - 2♠

0-11 HCPs, "Pass or Correct" as normal.

♠ J 10 9 4     ♥ Q J 4     ♣ Q 10 9 7     ♦ 8 7

2♥ - (DBL) - 2NT

12+ HCPs, strong enquiry as normal.

♠ A J 9 2     ♥ Q 10 4     ♣ A Q 9 7     ♦ 8 7

2♥ - (DBL) - RDBL

"Partner make your cheapest bid, then Pass my next rebid".
Responder fears a misfit. Opener surely holds the majors. Responder prefers to play in his own long suit which Opener now must Pass after Responder has bid it.
2♥ - (DBL) - RDBL - 2♠ - 3♦ - Pass

♠ 2     ♥ 9 4     ♣ J 10 9 7     ♦ A K J 10 8 7

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BR 30.6 - Bidding after Opponent's Overcall

After an Opponent makes an Overcall Responder may

  1. Pass with a very weak hand and/or strength in the Enemy suit.

  2. bid a new suit when weak (0-11 HCPs) : a "Pass or Correct" bid,

  3. or Double, which replaces the Relay bid, showing strength (12+HCPs) and an interest in Game.
After Partner's DBL Opener bids the cheaper of his two suits with a minimum, the higher suit with a maximum. With a 5+cards in the Opponents' suit, Opener may wish to Pass converting Partner's DBL into a Penalty Double.

Bidding Responder's consideration Example hand
2♥ - (2♠) - 3♣

0-11 HCPs, "Pass or Correct".
Opener will rebid 3♥ if he holds both majors.

♠ 9 4     ♥ Q J 10 4     ♣ K Q 9 7     ♦ 8 7 5

2♠ - (3♦) - DBL

12+ HCPs, strong enquiry. Opener probably has the black suits and will reply 3♠ with a minimum, or 4♣ with a maximum.
If instead he holds the red suits, he may possibly Pass, converting Partner's DBL into a Penalty Double.

♠ A Q 9 4     ♥ Q J 4     ♣ K Q 10 9     ♦ 8 7

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BR 30.7 - Deal 137 - 144

Deals 137 - 144 are examples of bidding as outlined in this lesson.

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