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Bidding Conventions
More Slam bidding approaches

  1. Splinter raises by Responder
  2. Splinter raises by Opener
  3. Slam Trial bids
  4. Game forces in Minor suits
  5. Deals 109 to 116

    Bidding Guide : advBG-14 - advBG-15

    More recent lesson on this subject

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BR 26.1 - Splinter raises by Responder

When your Partner has made an Opening bid, it usually does not pay to make a double or triple pre-empt style jump in your 7-card suit (and with 6-10 points). Much better to bid your long suit up the line and try to determine Partner's strength and distribution before going "all out".
There is a much better use for such large jumps : the so-called splinter bid.

How often is it not that you have found the point values for Slam (in the combined hands), but once committed to it and Dummy's hand goes in the table, you see to your horror that 5, 6 , 7 or even more HCPs of Dummy are in the very suit you hold a singleton or void in. Wasted points, which could have been so much more useful in another suit.

This is what the Splinter bid can prevent.
When Partner opens (or responds in) a (usually) major suit in which you have 4+ card support, while you also hold a singleton or void in one of the side suite, don't raise Partner's suit directly (eg. 1♥ - 3♥), but make a double jump into your singleton or void suit.

For example :   1♥ - 4♣   or   1♥ - 3♠   or   1♠ - 4♥   or   1♣ - 1♥ - 1♠ - 4♦

For example : your Partner opened 1♥ and you responded 4♣ with this hand :

(E) ♠ - K 10 6     ♥ - K 10 9 2     ♦ - A Q J 6     ♣ - 7

If Opener holds a hand like this :

(W) ♠ - A 3     ♥ - A Q 8 4 3     ♦ - K 9 8     ♣ - 8 5 3

He will immediately check out your Aces through Blackwood :   1♥ - 4♣ - 4NT - 5♦ - 6♥

Whereas with the hand below he will stop in 4♥, because most of your side suit points are in Partner's short suit and therefore next to useless.

(W) ♠ - J 3     ♥ - A Q J 4 3     ♦ - 9 8 2     ♣ - K Q 4

The Splinter bid is always above the Game force level, but below the actual Game bid itself.
The Splinter bid shows :

  1. The values for Game and possibly Slam, usually 11+ points
  2. 4+ card support for Partner's suit
  3. A singleton or void in the bid suit
  4. Normally 6 or 7 losers

The Splinter bid is in first instance a warning to Partner that if he holds HCPs in the specified suit, they are wasted, unless it is the Ace.
Three or four small cards in the suit on the other hand, are a positive sign for they can be ruffed, providing extra tricks. Also Partner's high cards are therefore located in the more useful suits.

After Partner's splinter bid take the following action :


to a Splinter bid

After a first positive response to the splinter bid has been made, both players may continue with Cue bidding or Blackwood as they wish.

Example 1     Opener (W)
♠ - A 4
♥ - A Q 10 8 2
♦ - 9 4 2
♣ - K Q 6
  Responder (E)
♠ - K J 8 5
♥ - K J 9 5
♦ - 7
♣ - A 9 8 4

Opener with only small cards in the splinter suit and good values in Clubs and Spades makes a positive response by showing his A♠ (4S).
He then shows 2 Aces plus the trump Queen after Partner's RKC Blackwood.


Bidding : (W) 1H - 4D - 4S - 4NT - 5S - 6H

Example 2     Opener (W)
♠ - A 4
♥ - A Q 10 8 2
♦ - K Q 6
♣ - 7 5 2
  Responder (E)
♠ - K J 8 5
♥ - K J 9 5
♦ - 7
♣ - A 9 8 4

Opener's Diamond and Club values have been reversed, and his HCPs in Diamonds are largely useless. With no support in Clubs a Slam contract is doomed.
Opener therefore signs off in 4H.

Bidding : (W) 1H - 4D - 4H - Pass

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BR 26.2 - Splinter raises by Opener

Splinter raises can also be made by the Opener. In these cases too the splinter is either a double jump shift or a single jump in those cases where bidding a new suit would be forcing.

For example :   1♣ - 1♠ - 4♦     or     1♠ - 2♥ - 4♣

Here follow two examples.

Example 3     Opener (W)
♠ - K Q 10 6
♥ - A Q 8
♦ - 4
♣ - K J 10 6 5
  Responder (E)
♠ - A J 9 8
♥ - J 10
♦ - 7 3 2
♣ - A 9 8 4

With Opener's Diamond singleton favourably placed and holding 2 Aces East has no qualms to go straight to 6S.


Bidding : (W) 1C - 1S - 4D - 6S - Pass

Example 4     Opener (W)
♠ - A K J 9 3
♥ - Q J 9 5
♦ - A J 6
♣ - 9
  Responder (E)
♠ - 7 4
♥ - A K 10 7 6
♦ - 7 5 4
♣ - K J 6

With all his side suit points in Opener's singleton suit, East sees no prospect for Slam and signs off in Game.

Bidding : (W) 1S - 2H - 4C - 4H - Pass

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BR 26.3 - Slam Trial bids

A Slam Trial bid is very similar to a Long Suit Trial bid except in this case the bidder is not aiming for a Game contract, but investigates the possibility of Slam instead.
A Slam Trial bid is the bid of a new suit after a trump suit agreement in a major suit has been reached, either via a Game force or Invitation bid has been reached. For example :

1♥ - 3♥ - 4♣ - ?       or       1♥ - 1♠ - 3♠ - 4♦ - ?

Provided you have agreed this with your Partner the 4♣ and 4♦ are Slam Trial bids and not Cue bids showing 1st round control (as normally would be the case).

The Trial bidder is asking Partner for strong support in the Trial suit of K J x or better (or having 1 loser or less in the suit).
The response options after a Slam Trial bid are :


to a Slam Trial bid

After a first positive response to the Slam Trial bid has been made, both players may continue with Cue bidding or Blackwood as they wish.

Example 5     Opener (W)
♠ - A K J 9 5
♥ - A 6
♦ - A 9 8 6 3
♣ - 6
  Responder (E)
♠ - Q 10 8 2
♥ - K 4
♦ - K J 5
♣ - A 7 5 4

With strong support for Opener's Diamond suit Responder makes a positive reply of 5C, showing his Club Ace.
After that Opener has no hesitation in going for 6S.


Bidding : (W) 1S - 3S - 4D - 5C - 6S

Example 6     Opener (W)
♠ - A K J 9 5
♥ - A 6
♦ - A 9 8 6 3
♣ - 6
  Responder (E)
♠ - Q 10 8 2
♥ - K Q
♦ - 7 5 2
♣ - A Q J 4

With no support for Opener's Diamond suit Responder signs off in 4S.


Bidding : (W) 1S - 3S - 4D - 4S - Pass

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BR 26.4 - Game force in Minor suits

The main strategy during the auction is to find an appropriate contract either in one of the two major suits or in No Trump, and all bidding is aimed at achieving that purpose.
Consequently when a minor suit is raised by Partner, he sees little prospect for a contract in a major suit. But in some cases there may still be hope of finding a contract in 3NT.

Therefore (unless the Partnership has decided otherwise) when a new suit is bid after a minor suit Game force it is not a cue bid showing 1st round control and it is not a Slam Trial bid.

1♦ - 3♦ - 3♠ - ?

Opener holds for example the hand below :

♠ - A J 10     ♥ - 8 2     ♦ - A J 10 9     ♣ - K J 9 4

Opener is showing his stoppers in an attempt to find a contract in 3NT rather than in 5 Diamonds.
His 3♠ bid shows a stopper in Spade and denies one in Hearts, because he skipped that suit.

Likewise a bid of 3NT is "to play", and decidedly not 3NT Blackwood :     1♣ - 3♣ - 3NT !

Opener may hold :     ♠ - A J 10     ♥ - K Q 9 2     ♦ - A 10 9     ♣ - 7 4 2

For Roman Key Card asks for minor suit contracts see Lesson 34.4, because 4NT RKC Blackwood is not appropriate. Splinter raises however can be used with minors.

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BR 26.5 - Deal 109 - 116

Deals 109 - 116 are examples of bidding as outlined in this lesson.

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