(Down Fast - Top)
BR 16.1 - The Strong 2 Club Opening bid
The traditional Goren opening bid of 2 in any suit (Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts or Spades) shows 22+ points or a hand with 10 tricks or more and a 5+card suit. The negative response is 2NT showing 0-7 points with any hand shape. All suit responses show 8+ point and a 4+card suit and a likely prospect for a Slam contract. |
As these hands do not occur very regularly, they are replaced with just one single Game Demand bid, the opening bid of 2 Clubs. This leaves the other three opening bids of 2 in a suit free for other purposes.
- The opening bid of 2 Clubs is artificial (not reflecting any suit) and shows
- a semibalanced or unbalanced hand
- with 23+ points or 10+ tricks or 3 losers or less
- or a maximum 1 opening hand (19+ points) but with only 3 losers or less
This is a Game Demand bid and bidding must continue until at least a Game contract is reached.
Tricks are counted in the same way as for preemptive opening bids.

(Down Fast - Up)
Hand 1
You hold 24 HCPs + 1 LP = 25 points and are semibalanced.
Open with 2 Clubs. Bid Hearts at your next turn.
(Down - Up)
Hand 2
You only hold 15½ HCP + 3LP = 18½ points, but you can count 10 tricks, and only 3 losers
Open therefore 2 Clubs. Bid Hearts at your next turn.
(Down - Up)
Hand 3
You hold 24 High Card Points, but have a balanced hand.
Open therefore 2NT.
(Down Fast - Up - Top)
BR 16.2 - Responses to a 2 Club Opening bid
The responses after a 2 Club opening bid are straight forward.
A response of 2 Diamond reveals that a Slam contract is unlikely, but bidding must continue until a suitable Game contract has been reached. All other responses indicate the good chance of a Slam contract.
All suit bids, other than the weak 2 Diamond response, by either Opener or Responder show a 5 card suit or longer. With only 4 card suits Responder bids NT, after which Opener can bid a Stayman 3 Club to investigate Responder's 4 card suit holding.
Bidding after a weak 2 Diamond Response (0-7 pts)
After a 2 Diamond response, Opener will bid his 5 card suit.
For example : 2♣ - 2♦ - 2♠ - ?
Responder then has the following options.
- 4♠ - showing 3 card trump support for Opener, but otherwise very weak, with no Ace, or King or singleton or void
- 3♠ - showing 3 card trump support for Opener, with extra value such as an Ace, or King or singleton or void
- 3♣, 3♦ or 3♥ - with no trump support for the Opener, but with a 5 card suit himself
- 2NT - with no trump support for the Opener and no 5 card suit himself
In case D above Opener may bid a Stayman 3 Club to investigate Responder's 4 card suit holding.
(Down - Up)
Hand 4
Partner opened with 2 Club
You hold 10 points, but no 5 card suit. Make therefore a positive response of 2NT.
Opener's reply :
- 2♣ - 2NT - 3♣ - You ? > > 3♦ - Stayman response showing no 4 card major
- 2♣ - 2NT - 3♦ - You ? > > 4♦ - showing 3 card (or better) trump support
- 2♣ - 2NT - 3♥ - You ? > > 4♥ - showing 3 card (or better) trump support
- 2♣ - 2NT - 3♠ - You ? > > 3NT - with no trump support for the Opener
(Down - Up)
Hand 5
Partner opened with 2 Club
You hold 10½ HCP + 1 LP = 11½ points and a 5 card Spade suit. Make a positive response of 2♠.
Opener's reply :
- 2♣ - 2♠ - 3♣ - You ? > > 4♣ - showing 3 card (or better) trump support for Opener's suit
- 2♣ - 2♠ - 3♦ - You ? > > 4♦ - showing 3 card (or better) trump support
- 2♣ - 2♠ - 3♥ - You ? > > 3NT - denying trump support for Opener's suit
- 2♣ - 2♠ - 4NT - You ? > > 5♦ - Blackwood, showing 1 Ace.
Opener has either trump support for your Spade suit, or a very long self sufficient suit himself.
(Down - Up)
Hand 6
Partner opened with 2 Club
You hold only 5½ points. Bid therefore 2♦, the artificial negative response, showing 7 points or less.
Opener's reply :
- 2♣ - 2♦ - 2♥ - You ? > > 3♥ - showing 3 card (or better) trump support and extra value (an Ace)
- 2♣ - 2♦ - 2♠ - You ? > > 2NT - denying trump support for Opener's suit and no 5 card suit yourself.
If opener replies 3♣, bid 3♥ - Stayman, showing 4 Hearts
- 2♣ - 2♦ - 3♣ - You ? > > 4♣ - showing 3 card (or better) trump support and extra value (an Ace)
- 2♣ - 2♦ - 3♦ - You ? > > 4♦ - showing 3 card (or better) trump support and extra value (an Ace)
In cases a, c and d above - without the extra value you would have raised directly to Game.
(Down Fast - Up - Top)
BR 16.3 - Weak Two Opening bids
The Opening bids of 2 Heart and 2 Spade, are weak, showing 6-10 High Card Points, 7 or 8 losers and a 6 card or longer major suit (Experienced players use the 2♦ opening bid generally as a Convetion bid.)
2♥ and 2♠ are mini preemptive opening bids. The complete requirements for such a bid are :

Before making your bid consider the following points.
If you hold a 4 card major side suit do not open with a weak two bid when you are the first or second player to bid. Pass instead, and wait for your Partner's bid. If he passes you can probably still make an overcall at your next turn.
If the hand contains a void or two singletons it will only have 5-6 losers, and you are too strong for a weak two.
In such case do not open with a weak two, but open with 1, or 3 or 4 in the suit instead (depending on HC holdings and Vulnerability) !
- If you are vulnerable your points should be in the top half of the range (say 8-10 points).
When in doubt apply the Rule of 2 and 3.
- After three passes, you, as 4th player, should only open with a weak two bid when you expect to make a positive score. Otherwise there is no point to your bid.
(Down - Up)
Hand 7
You have 9 High Card Points plus a 6 card heart suit. Open 2♥.
Hand 8
You have 11½ High Card Points. Too strong for a weak two opening.
Open 1♥.
(Down - Up)
Hand 9
You have 9½ High Card Points, a 6 card heart suit but also a 4 card Spade suit.
Pass if you you are the 1♠t or 2nd player to bid.
Bid 2♥ if your Partner already has passed.
(Down Fast - Up - Top)
BR 16.4 - Responses to Weak two Openings
Be aware that any weak two opening bid is a limit bid. The Responder may pass at any time.
Also Opener will have most of his strength in his long suit with at best only one additional entry in one of his other suits.
Responses after a weak two opening bid are :
(Down - Up)
Hand 10
Partner has opened with 2♥
You hold 5 tricks in your hand. Opener should have at least 5 tricks himself. Bid therefore 4♥
(Down - Up)
Hand 11
Partner has opened with 2♥
Pass. Although you have only one Heart don't try and "rescue" Partner bidding Diamonds, or worse, No Trump. A 6-1 trump fit is not a bad combination.
Always avoid bidding NT with a singleton in Partner's suit. You will be unlikely to access his long suit if you do.
(Down - Up)
Hand 12
Partner has opened with 2♠
You are weak too but have an unbalanced hand with strong trump support. Bid 4♠.
Opponents have undoubtedly a Game contract on in Hearts, so going sown one or two in 4♠ will be a good result for you.