Lesson 18 : Quiz ANSWERS

Quiz 18 - Lesson 18

  1. What is a "hold up" ?
    Playing low to a trick lead by the enemy, rather than winning it with your high card.

  2. What is the difference between a duck and a hold up ?
    In a duck you lead the suit yourself. In a hold up the opponents lead the suit.

  3. In which type of contract is the hold up mostly used and what is its usual purpose in this case ?
    In NT contracts, when you need to exhaust one opponent's cards in their long suit.

  4. What is an avoidance play ?
    Planning your play so that the dangerous opponent can not gain the lead.

  5. What can the dangerous opponent usually do ?
    Cash his winners in a long suit, or lead to a finesse against your or Dummy's unprotected King, or lead to give Partner a ruff.

  6. When should you not hold up ?
    1. when you can make all the tricks required.
    2. when the 1st trick is your only chance to stop the suit
    3. when an other suit is more dangerous
    4. when you can promote a second stopper
    5. when both opponents have more cards than you in the suit
    6. when the long suited opponent sits behind all your finesse positions

  7. For what reason would you hold up in a trump contract ?
    1. Against the lead of the King or Queen when Declarer holds A J x: the Bath Coup.
      This ensures two tricks provided the lead comes again from Declarer's left hand opponent.

    2. When holding A x x   opposite   x x
      Hold up once, play the Ace on the second round, ruff in Dummy on the third round.

    3. When holding A x   opposite   x x x
      Hold up once as an avoidance play if you hold a vulnerable K x x in your or Dummy's hand.

  8. You are in 3NT. North leads the 4 of Hearts. What is your game plan ?
    S - A J x
    H - A x x x
    D - A Q x
    C - A 10 x x
    S - Q x x
    H - x x
    D - K x x
    C - K J x x x
    Hold up once, take the 2nd trick with the Ace, then lead Club Ace followed by a small Club from your hand for a finesse against the Queen
  9. You are in 3NT. North leads the 5 of Diamonds. What is your game plan ?
    S - A x x
    H - K Q x x
    D - K x x
    C - x x x
    S - K x x
    H - A x
    D - Q x x
    C - A Q 10 x x
    Do not hold up. If South plays low win the first trick with the King, then lead a small Club from your hand for a double finesse against K and J. This keeps the dangerous opponent (N) off the lead if the finesse loses the first time and South can not hurt you.
    After regaining the lead finesse the clubs again.

  10. You are in 3NT. North leads the 4 of Hearts. What is your game plan ?
    S - A Q x x
    H - A x
    D - Q J 10 x
    C - K x x
    S - K x x
    H - x x
    D - A x x x x x
    C - A x
    Do not hold up. Both opponents have more cards in the suit than you do. Play the direct finesse in Diamonds and hope that it works. You have a 50% chance of success.
  11. You are in 3NT. North leads the Queen of Hearts. What is your game plan ?
    S - A x x
    H - A x x
    D - J 10 x x
    C - A K x
    S - K Q x
    H - K x
    D - Q 9 x x x
    C - x x x
    Hold up once. You need to lose the lead twice in order to establish the long Diamond suit.
  12. You are in 3NT. North leads the 6 of Spades. What is your game plan ?
    S - A J x x
    H - A x x x
    D - A x x
    C - A x x
    S - 10 x
    H - x x x
    D - Q J 10 9 x
    C - K x x
    Play low in Dummy, win South's King or Queen with your Ace. You Jack and 10 will provide a second stopper. You can safely make a direct finesse in Diamonds, for if North wins you can still stop the Spade suit with either 10 or Jack.
  13. You are in 4S. North leads the King of Hearts. What is your game plan ?
    S - K Q J 10 9
    H - A x x
    D - A K x
    C - x x
    S - A x x
    H - x x
    D - Q x x
    C - A x x x x
    Hold up once, win the 2nd Heart lead with the A, and ruff the 3rd Heart in Dummy.
    Then lead Clubs, ducking in both hands. Next on lead play Club Ace in Dummy then small, ruffed in your hand. Return to Dummy with the trump Ace. If necessary (when opponents' Clubs split 2-4) lead Clubs once more from Dummy and ruff again, then draw the remaining enemy trumps. The Diamond Queen will provide an entry to Dummy's established Club winners.

  14. You are in 3NT. North leads the King of Clubs. What is your game plan ?
    S - A Q x
    H - A x x
    D - K 10 x x
    C - A x x
    S - x x x
    H - K x x
    D - A Q J x x
    C - x x
    Do not hold up. You have enough sure winners to make your contract.
  15. You are in 4S. North leads the 5 of Hearts. What is your game plan ?
    S - A K 10 x x
    H - A 10
    D - x x x
    C - Q x x
    S - Q J x
    H - x x x
    D - K x
    C - A J 10 x x
    Hold up South's K or Q or J on the first trick This keeps the dangerous opponent (N) off the lead.
    Dummy's K x in Diamonds is safe as long as South has the lead. Therefore, after gaining the lead on trick 2, first draw the enemy trumps, then finesse the Clubs. If it loses South will gain the lead again and he can not hurt you.

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