Jazz Scales


Harmonic minor scale
C | C# | D | Eb | E | F | F# | G | G# | A | Bb | B

Down - Top)

Description of the Harmonic minor scale

A harmonic minor scale consists of 7 different notes.
The intervals from note to note are :

tone - semitone - tone - tone - semitone - tone and a half - semitone

The scale can also be described as two tetrachords separated by one whole tone.
  • one minor tetrachord : tone - semitone - tone

  • one gypsy tetrachord : semitone - tone and a half - semitone

The two tetrachords for the C harmonic minor scale are :

(minor tetrachord) C - D - Eb - F <-- tone --> G - Ab - B - C (gypsy tetrachord)

Audio 1
C harmonic minor scale

The key signature for the harmonic minor scale is the same as its related major scale with its tonic note 3 semitones above.

For example the C harmonic minor scale is related to the Eb major scale, and shares that scale's key signature (3 flats).

Audio 2
Related scales

The harmonic minor scale was originally derived from the natural minor scale, by raising its 7th note.
The natural minor in turn is the Aeolian mode of the major scale 3 semitones higher. All three scales use the same key signature.
Audio 3
Eb major scale= Eb - F - G - Ab - Bb - C - D - Eb
C natural minor= C - D - Eb - F - G - Ab - Bb - C
C harmonic minor= C - D - Eb - F - G - Ab - B - C

Down - Up - Top)

Here are the harmonic minor scales in all 12 keys listed in Circle of Fifths order.

  1. C harmonic minor scale - Key signature : 3 flats (Bb cancelled)

    C - D - Eb - F - G - Ab - B - C

  2. G harmonic minor scale - Key signature : 2 flats (F raised)

    G - A - Bb - C - D - Eb - F# - G

  3. D harmonic minor scale - Key signature : 1 flat (C raised) (Down - Up - Top)

    D - E - F - G - A - Bb - C# - D

  4. A harmonic minor scale - Key signature : No flats or sharps (G raised)

    A - B - C - D - E - F - G# - A

  5. E harmonic minor scale - Key signature : 1 sharp (D raised)

    E - F# - G - A - B - C - D# - E

  6. B harmonic minor scale - Key signature : 2 sharps (A raised) (Down - Up - Top)

    B - C# - D - E - F# - G - A# - B

  7. F# harmonic minor scale - Key signature : 3 sharps (E raised)

    F# - G# - A - B - C# - D - E# - F#

  8. C# harmonic minor scale - Key signature : 4 sharps (B raised)

    C# - D# - E - F# - G# - A - B# - C#

  9. G# harmonic minor scale - Key signature : 5 sharps (F# raised) (Down - Up - Top)

    G# - A# - B - C# - D# - E - G (F##) - G#

  10. Eb harmonic minor scale - Key signature : 6 flats (Db raised)

    Eb - F - Gb - Ab - Bb - Cb - D - Eb

  11. Bb harmonic minor scale - Key signature : 5 flats (Ab raised)

    Bb - C - Db - Eb - F - Gb - A - Bb

  12. F harmonic minor scale - Key signature : 4 flats (Eb raised) (Up - Top)

    F - G - Ab - Bb - C - Db - E - F

(Up - Top - Improvisation Studio)

Copyright © 2002 Michael Furstner. All rights reserved.