Bridge Quiz 15
Quiz 14 - Quiz Page - Answer - Quiz 16

Here is a great deal from Wednesday June 26 played by two pairs who both struggled with it. One of them did bid 5♦ but failed to make the contract.

Declarer (W)
8 2
♥ K J
♦ A Q J 8 7 6
♣ A J 10
  Dummy (E)
♥ A 10 8 5 3
♦ K 5 4 2
♣ 7 5 4

On a on ♣ lead this contract is in the bag from trick 1 (because it gives Declarer a "free finesse", provided a low card is played in Dummy), but on a ♠ or lead the Declarer must put his/her thinking cap on.

The 5♦ contract can be made without too much difficulty, but there are two important aspects to consider :

  1. How many entries are there to Dummmy ?
  2. Which one of the two possible finesses should you take ?

The new Card Play Technique flipper will immediately give you the correct answer to the second question ! (on pages 9 and 10)