Bridge Quiz 43-6
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Bidding: (E) 2♣ - 2♠ - 6♥     Opening lead : 9♦

Trick 5 North
Q♦ 3♥ 4♦ 5♦
Dummy (W)
- K Q 10 9 4
- 9 5
- 7 2
- A J 10 6
4♠   w A♠ Declarer (E)
- A
- A K Q 10 8 6
- A J 10
- K 8 7
9♦ 2♥ 4♥ 7 ♥
  Won = 5
Lost = 0

Option 1
At trick 6 lead Declarer's K♣, followed (at trick 7) by the 7♣ to Dummy's 10♣ (if South plays low) for an indirect finesse against the Q♣.
If the finesse is successful the K♠ and Q♠ are lead from Dummy on which Declarer discards his two remaining diamonds (tricks 8 & 9).
Then Dummy leads the A♣ so that Declarer's last non trump card (the 8♣) is removed from his hand.
Declarer now has all remaining winners but one : South's J♥.
This option has a 50% chance of success, but if the ♣ finesse fails, Declarer will go down 2 tricks.
Can you figure out Option 2 ?