Martinshof, South side

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Martinshof, South view

The terrace pergola and entire South wall of the house were usually covered by climbers. From time to time they were removed when the house was repainted, as shown here. Note the security light near the top.
At the ground floor the lounge occupies the entire width from left to right.
On the first floor the first window on the left is my bedroom. This is also where our daughter Babette was born. The two windows on the right are my sister Wivica's bedroom. My brother Claus was on the second floor on the other side of the house (and above my parents bedroom).
Looking South from the terrace, a lawn, slightly wider than the house, extends for about 300 meters into the woods. We used to play soccer on it, also badminton and other games
Initially the far end of it was used as a vegetable garden, but after the war this was converted to grass.