4. My early accordion years
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All Bossa : by Michael Furstner
I had my first music lessons on recorder in the late 1940s when I was 10 or
12 years old. I vividly remember my very first lesson. My teacher, Mr.
Lindeman sat me down at the table in our dining room at Martinshof and
dictated to me "Wanneer wij liedjes zingen
....." ("When we sing songs ...."). I always remember these first
few words, but have absolutely no idea what came after them. It was not long
before my teacher saw some promise in me and got me an 80 bass piano
accordion. I absolutely loved the instrument right from the start.
The accordion was in those early days just
after the war the undisputed favourite instrument in Holland, especial in
the country provinces. Forget the guitar, that was only for girls and
sissies. The accordion was the instrument at all parties, weddings and
dances on the farms and in community halls. A whole raft of Dutch songs
were written to accommodate the instrument. Like "Daar bij die Molen
...." and "Op de sluizen, van IJmuiden, heb ik haar vaarwel
gekust", many such as these two in intoxicating swirling waltz tempos. I
played them all !
I played every day on my instruments, but hated written music. I
painstakingly battled through every new piece I had to learn just twice, not
more, then knew it by heart and played it ever after from memory. Often
when leaving my teacher's house after my lesson I would pass a young girl
coming in for her lesson also on accordion. I was too shy to speak to her so
she remained a mystery girl. Mr Lindeman had a nasty setback. An
infection on his foot went horribly wrong and he landed up in hospital where
eventually most of his leg was amputated. This did not diminish his energy
however. Once back in action with his artificial leg he started traveling
around the country side, setting up accordion bands in several of the
rural villages. I was by this time one of his star pupils and when it was
time for his bands to put up a public performance he used me as
reenforcement in the front row on stage.
A week or so before the scheduled performance he would take me to one of the
band rehearsals. There were few cars in those days so we always traveled by
bus. We made a rather odd couple stepping out from the foggy darkness
into the dim yellow lamp light at the bus stop. A man in a belted
trench coat, Stetson hiding his eyes, stick in hand, limping slightly, next
to a skinny youth with an alpino cap (dark blue barrette) pulled way over his
right ear (imitating the Canadian soldiers) lugging a
huge accordion case. A grotesque duo right out of a mystery tale.
My grandmother ("Grotie") came to my very first
performance in the village of Hengelo (Gld). At the Hall entrance door she was asked to raise
her hand. As she did so the attended took it, turned it over and stamped
SPOED ("Express") on the back of it. He apologetically replied to my
grandmother's raised eyebrows, that this was to identified those who had
paid in case they lost their ticket. This often happened, he continued,
when the farmers after too much beer had to go outside for a leak. My
grandmother recalled this story many many times later during her life,
easily outshining the one of her grandson's musical effort at the event.
I was joined on the stage by two or three friends with compatible skills. We
would belt out each song with everything we had, while at the back a row of
big farmhands were condemned to silence. With fingers easily covering two
keys at once on the keyboard they were considered too risky performers.
Therefore before the start each would stick a nail in the vent hole of their
instrument (located near top of the left side). This allowed them to happily
pull and squeeze their bellows without making any sound at all. They all had
big smiles on their faces, looking around with no care in the world, which
greatly impressed the audience. Meanwhile us in the front row did all the
hard work. To add variation to the program, at selected points one of us
would get up at the front of the stage and play a solo. I usually did two
every performance.
I thoroughly enjoyed these performances. I was guest
player in two bands, one in Vorden, the other in Hengelo and performed in
various villages and small towns in the region. I also went to a regional
accordion competition and won both first price with one of the bands and as
a soloist. I played an arrangement of American Patrol which had a few
great left hand bass riffs in it I recall. The mystery girl was also at the
event and put in a very creditable 3rd place performance.
After a few years however, when I was around 16, I
gave up the music lessons and performances. Can't remember why. But later
when I was at Uni I did meet up with the mystery girl again. Her name was Antien. She became a friend and fellow
student at the Arnhem Art Academy of my sister Wivica and soon
visited our house. I finally got up enough courage to ask her out to a party
and a few years later we married.
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Copyright © 2010 Michael Furstner