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BL 3.2 - Shifting the beginning or end of a Phrase
Most melodic phrases start and end on the strongest natural accent, the first beat of a
bar. This is natural as it reflects the time signature pulse, but it is also very predictable.
Syncopation, with its objective of rhythmic surprise, shifts melodic phrases away from
this predictable pattern.
Syncopation can shift the end of a phrase.
Usually this is from the downbeat of 1 to the offbeat of 4 in the previous bar.
(Or, less frequently, from the downbeat of 3 to the offbeat of 2.)
Audio 3.1

The beginning of a phrase can also be shifted.
For example from the usual downbeat of 1 to 1+, or to 4+ of the previous bar.
Here is a syncopated version of Triad Blues (from Lesson 1).
Audio 3.2
Remember that in swing style offbeat quavers are only 1/3 of a full beat length. This also applies when syncopated. Therefore the tied quavers on the off beats of beat 4 in above two examples are only 1/3 of a beat in length! (And the offbeat quavers followed by a rest in the examples are played staccato, see Bl 3.3.)
When listening carefully you will notice that :
- Syncopations on 2+ and 4+ give the song forward motion.
- Syncopations on 1+ and 3+ tend to hold the melody back.
These contrary motions produce additional interest and excitement in syncopation.