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Sunday January 11, 2009
(diary, food)
It has been somewhat unsettled weather with intermittend rain the last few
days, but today it is dry, warm and sunny again so straight away in the
morning I do my washing. Babette and Doug are off visiting friends in the
country 150 km SW of here, while I spend the morning preparing yesterday's Blog. I arrive at the beach early
afternoon and have a great swim. There are several good body surf waves
which I manage to catch and I am pleased with myself.
I usually don't like to go to the Surf Club on Sunday afternoons as they
then always have some live music on, which more often than not is of rather
mediocre quality. But today is fine, there is a guitar, keyboard, sax trio
playing which is not bad at all. The kitchen is out off bruschetta
bread, my usual lunch order, and I am disappointed. But after only 15
minutes the girl from the counter informs me that the bakery has just
delivered fresh bruschetta bread so I have my (present) favourite lunch
after all. I absolutely love Sweet Chilli sauce, an Asian
product which is available in all Australian supermarkets. They also have
it amongst the sauces at the Surf Club's salad bar, and I always spread it
liberally over the chopped tomatoes, onions and olive oil mix on top of
the bruschettas, delicious. The Subway fast food outlets also have it
amongst their sauces which makes me a regular customer there too. I also
bought a fresh large bottle of Sweet Chilli sauce for in the ThreePonds kitchen and use it to jazz up
my noodles and even some of my soups would you believe.
At around 6 PM Babette and Doug return from their country trip and we sit,
as planned, on the front veranda drinking a bottle of Moët & Chandon -
Nectar Impérial, a lovely French champagne I gave Babette for her
birthday yesterday. Babette suddenly remembers that she has 200
bitterballen (bought from the Dutch shop in Brisbane) in the
ThreePonds freezer, so we decide to take 25 of them out, deep fry them and eat
them while watching the latest episode of the Mad Men series on Pay
TV. The end of a perfect food and drinks day.
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Monday & Tuesday January 12 & 13, 2009
(diary, bridge)
Monday is again a nice and sunny day, the sea temperature is
23° C and there are great waves for body surfing. I have been doing
this since arriving in Australia in 1966, in those days on the beaches in
Newcastle. Bas Hensen, a fellow geologist from Leiden
University and his wife Jantine arrived in Newcastle (surprise
surprise) just two weeks after us (Antien, 2 year old Babette and I) and
the four of us were unseparable. Sunday mornings we always played
tennis, but the rest of the weekend was usually spent on the beach where
Bas and I quickly learnt to body surf and always competed with one another
for the best performance.
Body surfing is not a difficult skill, but you have to do it just
right : - You must position yourself at the
lower end of the front slope of the wave,
- body straight like a board
and slightly declined forward (parallel to the wave surface) with your feet higher than your head.
- Chin on your chest.
- Arms straight, either pressed against the body or stretched out forward (to
protect your head from bumping into someone), unless you need to do a few
quick strokes to position yourself better in the wave.
The critical thing really is to catch the right wave. Some are too steep,
with the crest curling over and dropping down vertically, the
"dumpers" which can cause much injury as I all too well know.
Others are too flat to provide the momentum to push you forward. The ones
in between are the right ones to pick, and you quickly get an eye for
While shopping after lunch I bump into Rowley and Marie Cornell
(friends from our days on Bougainville). They tell me that my brother
Claus no longer hosts my old Bridge Club (I set up 15 years ago)
and that they now play in a small Community Hall in Diddilliba a
small hamlet in the hills North of Buderim.
So Tuesday morning I check it out and am delighted to meet up with my former students again enjoying a relaxed morning of bridge. Sadly I hear that Doug Whiteman has passed away since I saw him last, following his dear wife Peggy. But I am glad that I did catch up with him last year before he died.
Later on the beach the waves are quite big and all of them real dumpers, so I content myself to being tumbled about by their big walls of foaming white water rushing to the beach.
The report about Doug Whiteman is incorrect. He is still alive and kicking. So Ruth tells me on July 9, 2009. She spoke to him on the phone.
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Wednesday January 14, 2009
(diary, bridge)
Another lovely day. The previous two days have been very quiet in
Mooloolaba, very unusual with two weeks of school holidays still to go
through, undoubtedly a sign of the Financial Crisis. But today there are
more people around, especially on the beach to enjoy the King tide
surf. Very powerful waves, lots of foam and good fun. I even manage a few
body surfs on some of the more modest waves. The King tide is
quite benign, with only a little bit of dune erosion at one 30 meters wide
spot, but on TV the environmentalists are of course crying loud about
doom and gloom, of "what is to come" with global warming. Reality,
truth, actual historic facts are totally ignored by this lot. Around
10 years ago we had significant dune erosion here, and way back in 1974
the entire Australian East coast was badly damamged by King tides,
especially at the Gold Coast with many high rise buildings in danger. No
mention of global warming then !!
Browsing through a bottle shop later this afternoon I suddenly notice a
shelf with Henkell Sekt, Germany's answer to French champagne, and I
am overcome with a feeling of nostalgic emotion. Why is this I
wonder. I can't remember ever having drank Sekt, and if I have I can not
remember a special occasion for it. My mother drank the occasional
piccolo (small bottle) of it I believe. Perhaps I connect intimate
events (like New Years Eve) with family and close friends with the image
of "Sekt", I don't know. Anyway I buy a bottle and back home we quickly
find a reason to try it (we all three love it) : After some discussion
between Babette, Doug and myself Babette decides to enroll in a
week long story line and writing workshop in France with the well known
American screenwriter and story making expert James
Bonnet. Only 4 participants are admitted to the September workshop in his
cottage in SE France.
But that does not solve why I am so nostalgic about Sekt. Sometimes
trivial things like this set me off on something much deeper. The Sekt
reminds me of Germany, and in Germany is where my emotions are. I
suddenly realise that there are three distinctly different aspects to my
character (or personality).
- In my mind I am and behave as a Dutchman : hugely
self confident, abrasive and ,yes, sometimes even arrogant. I feel I
communicate with Dutch people on an intelligent level.
- My emotions however are much softer and have a great affinity
to the German people. I don't at all consider myself as being a
German, but I feel I communicate with them on an emotional level.
- My body however feels most at home in Australia. And
here I feel I communicate with people on a casual level.
The above is a different expression of what I felt so strongly last year
after my trip to Europe. Also, most interestingly, communicating in the three
different languages for each country strongly amplified my feelings and
the way I communicated. Anyway, tomorrow it will be my birthday, a
most appropriate occasion to buy a couple more bottles of Henkell
Sekt, don't you think so ?
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Thursday January 15, 2009
It is my birthday today, I am 72 years old now, six dozen years. This number has somehow a well rounded, balanced feel about it, a distinct marker in time, and I like it. Will it turn out to become a creative, content year ? We shall see. Its two digits add up to 9, and curiously so do the digits of Babette's age as well as Doug when he reaches his birthday this year.
It is again a warm and sunny day, the sea temperature has reached 24° C, the King tide is still going and the surf is wonderful. After lunch I buy myself a small printer, but when I get home I can't manage to upload the software for it on my computer. After three failed attempts I phone Kinmat Computers in Woombye and arrange for them to sort it out.
In the evening Doug and Babette return home from work with a huge load of fresh tuna, salmon, scallops and various Japanese condiments. We have a great sashimi, with plenty of Henkell Sekt and sake to go with it. After the meal we sit back and watch a movie on TV while I eat my most favourite desert, a custard vanilla slice. (When just married Antien and I would eat a vanilla slice every Sunday morning in bed.) So end a good and very contented 72nd birthday. How many more are there to come ? Who knows, but looking back I feel myself fortunate, for life has treated me very well.
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Copyright © 2009 Michael Furstner