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Wednesday & Thursday January 21 & 22, 2009
I have been working hard on transferring files and installing applications on
my new Asus laptop, which does not leave much time to think about my
Blog. So perhaps a few short entries will do for now.
The weather and beach are as good as usual, although we get a bit of rain
Thursday morning. Seawater temperature remains warm at 24° C and there
are good waves for body surfing.
Wednesday I have an appointment with my GP Jenny Cooke (doctor)
for my yearly checkup. To my great surprise my blood pressure is way down,
128 over 87. I have not had such good results for the last 20 years I
believe. Partly due of course due to my regular medication, but perhaps also
as a result of my present healthy lifestyle, with both walking and swimming
every day. I have also stopped drinking coffee for several months now and
only drink tea instead now. Thursday morning I go in for my blood
samples to be taken. I will hear the results next week.
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Friday January 23, 2009
In the morning I bring my two laptops plus printer to Kinmat in Woombye for
installation of the final bits and pieces I could not do myself. This
includes the printer software, which still manages to elude me. Then on to a
morning's bridge at the Diddilliba Hall, followed by a wonderful swim. The water
is so nice and warm you just don't feel like getting out off it at all.
Lunch as usual at the Surf Club while watching the Australian Open Tennis
Championships, one of the four "Grand Slam" tournaments with all the world's
top players attending of course.
A sudden extended downpour of rain keeps me at the Club a bit longer than
usual, but finally the rain drops to a drizzle and I manage to get into my
car reasonably dry. I collect my now fully installed computer, then on to home
where I can finally print out the CD labels I designed a few weeks ago with a
nifty little Click'N Design application. The result as you can see is
quite nice and I am pleased. The CD contains 12 songs including four of Erik Satie's compositions
and four of my own. In fact all my improvisations on this CD have a Satie-
esque feel to it, hence the title.
All songs are also online in MP3 format and you are of course welcome to download them for free. In
fact 5,000 copies have been downloaded already so far and is proceeding at a
rate of 50+ each day. The songs on the CD however are all in WAV
format, 10 times bulkier and therefore of much superior sound quality
than the MP3s. The CD can be purchased from my online shop
(Item 14) for AUD$15 (US$10 or €8). This price includes Airmail postage
As I finish printing labels Doug returns from Brisbane. It has taken
him 3 hours (it usually takes only 1) due to the heavy traffic for this
Australia Day long weekend. Everybody it seems is heading for the
Sunshine Coast. Babette too left this morning visiting her mother
Antien on Kangaroo
Island for the long weekend. To calm Doug down, who is quite upset, I
take him for dinner at the Thai Parnit Restaurant in Nambour, where we
once again enjoy an excellent meal.
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Saturday January 24, 2009
Awareness 24 continues from January 18
Erik Satie, the eccentric
French impressionist composer (1866-1925) wrote underneath his self portrait
(shown below) Je suis venue au monde très
jeune, dans un temp très vieux." meaning
"I have come into the world very young, in a time very old."
This is how, over the ages, many brilliant artists, scientists, innovators
who were at the forefront of breathtaking new directions in their field must
have felt : born at the wrong time. Take Vincent
van Gogh, who barely sold a painting during his life, or Galileo, who was placed under house arrest by the
Catholic Church, because he claimed that the earth rotated around the sun,
not the other way around. Or take even Alfred
Wegener, who observed that the earth's continents could be nicely joined
together like a jigsaw puzzle, and formulated the theory of Continental Drift, 150 years
before it was finally accepted by geologists during the second half of the
previous (20th) Century.
The fact of the matter is that the opinions, understanding and awareness of
the general public, the authorities, the church are always well, at
times hundreds of years, behind the most intelligent and creative front
runners. The sad paradox is that, although these geniuses personally may
feel they were born at the wrong time, from the point of view of
humanity as a whole they were born at the right time, because they
moved humanity forward, pushed it onto a new level of awareness.
Perhaps on a more gradual scale we all have our place in time, some ahead,
others somewhat behind the awareness of humanity in general at a certain
time. If this is so, how do you, dear reader, feel about yourself.
Are you born at the right time ?
I personally am in two minds about it. Born in 1937
I have lived through an era of unprecedented change and progress of the
modern world, and I would not have missed that for anything. At the other
hand however I sometimes feel strongly that I do not belong to this present
time, so full of greed, selfishness and incredible hatred.
True, there is some good as well, but generally I feel that in terms of
human attitudes I would prefer to be born 500 or even 1,000 years ahead from now, in
the hope that by that time a less materialistic, more generous and well meaning humanity has
evolved. From the general humanity's point of view of course I am
born at the right time, to help in whatever small way I can to set an
example of generosity, goodwill and greater awareness. Will you too,
dear reader, put your shoulder behind the wheel and join me in making that
effort ?
Awareness 25 continues on January 27
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Sunday January 25, 2009
We seem to be in a weather pattern at present with a descent downpour of rain
every morning, then, before midday, the sun comes out for a lovely day. A bit
more humidity perhaps due to the early rain. After writing yesterday's
blog I am off to the beach. Mooloolaba is full with visitors and cars are
driving around flying small Australian flags from plastic poles clamped onto
their windows : it is Australia Day. I only manage to park my car
about 500 meters from the beach, and therefore take my clothing in a bag
with me so I don't have to walk all the way back to change after my swim. The
water, still at 24° C, is wonderful as usual but, suddenly remembering
that I have a fair bit of cash with me in my bag, I don't stay in very long.
The Surf Club too is chockablock full when I arrive, all tables are occupied
and there is an endless cue for ordering meals. So I sit on a stool near the
bar with a beer watching tennis on one of the screens, then leave.On a
hunch I drive to Maroochydore's Sunshine Plaza (the main shopping
center around here) to check out their food halls and surprise surprise, a
new Japanese shop has opened in the Fresh Food Hall (opposite Coles) since I
was here last. It is Hikaru - Homestyle Japanese Food (07 5451
1654), very nice meals and for only AUD $ 6.90 (€ 3,50) per dish quite
cheap too. They offer a dozen different rice dishes with chicken, pork, beef
or fish, plus a variety of sushis. I have a most interesting interesting dish of pork covered by an egg which has been fried by simply pouring a hot mild soya sauce over it. I will return here again to sample several
of their dishes, especially their sushi filled with octopus salad.
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