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Friday February 6, 2009
It is overcast in the morning as I drive to Diddilliba for a
morning's bridge, but by noon the clouds have gone and it is lovely
sunny and warm as I walk through the dunes to the beach. However the
extreme weather conditions elsewhere continue. To our North 60%
of Queensland is now flooded with rain still continuing. Access to
Townsville and Cairns is by plane, helicopter or ship only. To
the South Victoria and South Australia are again in 43° heat wave
conditions and NSW too is bracing itself for a hot day tomorrow with
Fire brigades on high alert.
In the Federal Parliament in Canberra too the heat is on with
committees grilling Treasury bureaucrats and scrutinising the
Government's proposed 42 billion dollar "rescue package". The Liberal
Party has firmly voted against it, forcing the Government to
negotiate with the Greens and independents to get a modified package
I am planning to go and see 97 years old Irene van
Amsterdam in Adelaide for a few days to do her Dutch Tax Return, and spend some time with my friends from my old Bridge Club.
But it won't be until at least the end of this month. Doug and
Babette will both be overseas in just over a week's time and I have
to look after the dogs while they are away. By then the weather in
South Australia will have cooled down considerably I am sure.
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Saturday February 7, 2009
In the morning Babette and Doug are off early to a Writers
workshop in Brisbane. I have promised to get some oysters today,
but my regular shop in Kunda Park has not enough. So I try a new
seafood shop in nearby Chancellor Park, where they are advertising
their special this week of Coffin Bay oysters at $12.90 per dozen. They look
good and fresh and I order three dozen while on my way to the
beach. After my swim, lunch and a read of my book I return to pick
them up. I also buy some bacon from Woolworth so I can grill some
Oysters Kilpatrick.
Early evening Babette and Doug return from their workshop, both
elated with the success they had. So a good excuse for some
celebration with bitterballen and
a bottle of Henkell Sekt, while they read back to me some of
the 5 minute "warm up" writing exercises they did today. I am most
impressed with their efforts, both in their own style reflecting very
much their individual nature and interests.
The reading (and listening) is making us thirsty so we open another
bottle of Henkell, after which I grill some of the oysters so we can
enjoy them half (natural) - half (Kilpatrick). An evening spent like
that can never be bad.
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Sunday February 8, 2009
Sunday I wake up to yet another beautiful morning. I sit on
ThreePond's rear deck for a change, contemplating the pond below,
reading my book and having poached eggs on toast for breakfast with
Babette and Doug. Mooloolaba is quite busy with day visitors from
Brisbane (100 km to our south), but I do find a parking spot near the
beach. The sea temperature is now 26° C according to the Life
Savers' notice board. I remain a long time in the water although it is
low tide and many of the waves are dumpers. As I walk back on the
beach to the Surf Club I feel happy, very content and lucky to live
in such a wonderful place, as yet totally unaware that in Victoria,
1500 km to my south, the biggest natural disaster in Australian
history is unfolding.
Only with the evening news on TV do I get the first inkling of the
enormous disaster down south. Under 45+° C temperatures (48° max) and
strong winds, bush fires in Victoria have generated into fast
traveling fire storms, destroying everything on their path.
By Monday it has become clear that at least 130 people
have been killed, with the death toll still rising, while hundreds of
casualties are treated in Melbourne hospital for burns of up to 30-50%
of their body. Whole villages are obliterated with at least 750
houses gone, some literally exploding as the fire engulfs them. An
army of 4,500 fire fighters are fighting the blaze which at several
places is virtually uncontrollable. Many fire fighters are
traumatised by the horrific scenes they encounter of humans burned to
a cinder in their houses or cars.
There have been similar disasters before, in 1939 also in Victoria,
and in 1983 in South Australia. But loss of life was then in the 70s,
rather than double that number this time, perhaps more. At least some of the
fires were lighted by arsonists and some entire villages are
now designated "crime scenes". Penalties for arsonists are
high in Australia, up to 25 years in jail for fires with loss of
life, the same as for murder, but catching the criminals is very
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Monday & Tuesday February 9 & 10, 2009
I promised to drive Babette's friend Sandy to a hospital in Brisbane (100 km to our south), so on Monday I get up early to pick her up. We have a
good run into the city and arrive at the hospital within an hour. On my way
back I stop off at the Westfield Shopping Centre in Chermside (a
northern suburb of Brisbane) to check out some clothes shops there.
The Centre has grown enormously since I was here last, four or five
years ago, and includes both a Myers and a David Jones store.
I find a nice white cotton Saba "slub tee" shirt (T-shirt with buttons at the
collar) in my XXL size in David Jones
and buy it. They have another nice one in mauve, but unfortunately no
longer in my size. This happens all the time. When you are in that
extra large size range you have to be very quick early in the season
otherwise you miss out. Shops buy new stock only once and don't
reorder sizes as they run out like they used to do in the past.
I arrive back in Mooloolaba before noon, have my swim (the water
temperature is now 26°C) and lunch, then see my GP for the last
test results. My bladder infection is now totally gone and the
prostate readings have come down with it, but are still higher than
normal. So Jennie (my GP) refers me to a specialist, who I will see
in two weeks time, just to make sure everything is OK.
Tuesday is another quiet day, sunny in the morning but becoming overcast by noon. In the morning I go to bridge,
then a Tempura ramen lunch at the Hikaru stall in the Sunshine Plaza (Maroochydore),
a swim followed by a beer at the Surf Club. On the evening news I hear that
the Victoria bush fire toll has now risen to 181 confirmed dead and
some fear it may rise to 300. Several fires are still out off control, but without danger to lives at present. Donations for help from the public
and businesses are pouring in and has reached $50 million already. Meanwhile in the North of Queensland monsoonal rains and floods continue. Many who received financial cash payments from the Government for their material loss have donated that money immediately to the Victorian bush fire victims, a wonderful spirit of solidarity and compassion.
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Copyright © 2009 Michael Furstner