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Intermediate Bridge
Very Unusual NT & Michaels Cuebid

  1. Introduction
  2. Very Unusual 1NT Overcall
  3. Very Unusual 2NT Overcall
  4. Michaels Cuebid over majors
  5. Very Unusual NT after interference
  6. Practice Materials

    Bidding Guide : p.1 - p.2
    Memory card

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IBR 16.1 - Introduction

Two-suited hands with 5+cards in each suit are arguably the most powerful hand shape in a bridge hand. With as little as 5 or 6 HCP they contain only 7 losers. Add one or two Honour cards and this can drop down to 5 losers.

When holding 11+ HCP bidding such hands is easy : bid your higher ranking suit first, then at your next turn bid your lower ranking long suit at the 3-level.

However normal 1 in a suit Opening bids are not suitable for weak 2-suited hands with 6-10 HCP. Instead special Opening bids need to be made available for such hands at the 2-level.
The Multi 2♦ Opening bid is used to do just that.

One of the Conventions published for these weak 2-suited hands are the RCO 2s devised by Ron Klinger.   I have introduced a perhaps simpler version with the Jazclass 2s on this web site.

When it comes to Overcalls there are two long established Conventions that accommodate weak 2-suited hands. They are Michaels Cuebids (devised by Michael Michaels, a close friend of Charles Goren) and the Unusual 2NT (by Alvin Roth and Tobias Stone in the late 1940s). I have described these two Conventions in Lesson 16a.

In Standard bidding the 1NT Overcall describes a balanced hand with a "stopper in the Enemy suit", and usually in the 15-18 points range.
This bid does not occur very often and also (at least to me) appears to be rather superfluous. Why not make a take-out double first, then bid NT if required at your next turn. It also has the advantage of immediately finding a 4-4 major suit fit, rather than the Advancer (= Partner of the Overcaller) having to ask with 2♣ Stayman.

I therefore have used both the 1NT and the 2NT Overcall to express weak 2-suited hands.
I have called this Convention the Very Unusual NT, reflecting its heritage from the Unusual 2NT.

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IBR 16.2 - Very Unusual 1NT Overcall

After Opponent's Opening bid of 1 in a suit, the Very Unusual 1NT Overcall shows a (5+5+) 2-suited hand with 5-8 HCP (8 HCP with 7 losers).
The suits shown are of the opposite rank of the Opening bid :

(1♣) → 1NT = 5-8 HCP, 5+5+ in both major suits
(1♥) → 1NT = 5-8 HCP, 5+5+ in both minor suits

When the first Defender passes and Responder bids a 2nd suit at the 1-level :
(1♣) - Pass - (1♥) → 1NT = 5-8 HCP, 5+5+ in the 2 unbid suits (here and ♠)

The Advancer's reply options are :
0-12 pts (8+ losers) → bid the preferred suit at the cheapest level
13+ pts (≤ 7 losers) → bid Game in preferred suit
13+ pts (≤ 7 losers) → cuebid Enemy suit = Strong Enquire

After a Strong Enquiry the 1NT Overcaller bids :
next step up the line = minimum hand (5-6 HCP)
    (1♦) - 1NT - (Pass) - 2♦* - (Pass) - 2♥     * = Strong Enquiry
    (1♠) - 1NT - (Pass) - 2♠* - (Pass) - 2NT

2nd step up the line = maximum hand (7-8 HCP)
    (1♦) - 1NT - (Pass) - 2♦* - (Pass) - 2♠     * = Strong Enquiry
    (1♠) - 1NT - (Pass) - 2♠* - (Pass) - 3♣

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IBR 16.3 - Very Unusual 2NT Overcall

After Opponent's Opening bid of 1 in a suit, the Very Unusual 2NT Overcall shows a (5+5+) 2-suited hand with 8-12 HCP (8 HCP with 6 losers).
The suits shown are of the opposite rank of the Opening bid :

(1♣) → 2NT = 8-12 HCP, 5+5+ in both major suits
(1♥) → 2NT = 8-12 HCP, 5+5+ in both minor suits

When first Defender passes and Responder bids a 2nd suit at the 1- or 2-level :
(1♠) - Pass - (2♦) → 2NT = 8-12 HCP, 5+5+ in the 2 unbid suits (here ♣ and )

The Advancer's reply options are :
0-9 pts (9+ losers) → bid the preferred suit at the cheapest level
10+ pts (≤ 8 losers) → bid Game in preferred suit
10+ pts (≤ 8 losers) → cuebid Enemy suit = Strong Enquire

After a Strong Enquiry the 1NT Overcaller bids :
next step up the line = minimum hand (8-10 HCP)
    (1♦) - 2NT - (Pass) - 3♦* - (Pass) - 3♥     * = Strong Enquiry
    (1♠) - 2NT - (Pass) - 3♠* - (Pass) - 3NT

2nd step up the line = maximum hand (11-12 HCP)
    (1♦) - 2NT - (Pass) - 3♦* - (Pass) - 3♠     * = Strong Enquiry
    (1♠) - 2NT - (Pass) - 3♠* - (Pass) - 4♣

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IBR 16.4 - Very Unusual NT after inteference

When Opponents interfere : bid as normal or Pass.
With a Strong hand a Double of RH Opponent's bid is the Strong Enquiry.

(1♠) - 1NT - (2♠) → DBL = Strong Enquiry.
Partner bids next step with a minimum, following step with a maximum.

(1♠) - 1NT - 2♥ → DBL = Strong Enquiry.
Partner bids next step with a minimum, following step with a maximum.

(1♦) - 2NT - (3♦) → DBL = Strong Enquiry.
Partner bids next step with a minimum, following step

When the NT Overcaller's reply to a Strong Enquiry is opstructed by his RH Opponent (the Opener) :
(1♦ - 1NT - (Pass) - 2♦* - 3♣ → Pass = minimum     * = Strong Enquiry
(1♦ - 1NT - (Pass) - 2♦* - 3♣ → DBL = maximum

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IBR 16.5 - Michaels Cuebid over majors

Michaels Cuebids work well in combination with the Very Unusual NT Overcalls.
Use Michaels Cuebids only over Opponent's major suit Opening bid :
(1♥) → 2♥ = 8-12 HCP, 5+5+ ♠ plus a minor suit
(1♠) → 2♠ = 8-12 HCP, 5+5+ plus a minor suit
      Minimum Suit quality in the long suits : H H x x x   H x x x x     (H = Honour card)

Advancer's responses
bid major suit at cheapest level (trump support, 9+ losers, 0-10 HCP)
bid 3♣ = "Pass or correct" (9+ losers, 0-10 HCP)
bid Game in major suit (trump support, 8 losers, 10+ HCP)

2NT = Strong enquiry (8 losers or less, 10+ HCP)
  • 2NT → 3♣ = minimum, ♣ is the minor suit
  • 2NT → 3♦ = minimum, is the minor suit
  • 2NT → 3♥ = maximum, ♣ is the minor suit
  • 2NT → 3♠ = maximum, is the minor suit
This leaves the (1♣) → 2♣ and (1♦) → 2♦ cuebids as natural Overcalls.

On occasion you may hold a major-minor suit combination which can not be shown by a Michaels Cuebid.
In such cases bid your higher ranking (major) suit first, then at your next turn bid the lower ranking (minor) suit
(at the 2-level with 6-10 HCP, at the 3-level with 11+ HCP).

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IBR 16.6 - Practice Materials
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