Rhythm Class 9
Ties connecting Bars

  1. Ties connecting Bars

  2. Rhythm Segments 1 - 8

  3. Rhythm Patterns 193 - 240

  4. Practice Material

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RC 9.1 - Ties connecting Bars

Ties connecting the last note in one bar with the first note in the next bar are used for two purposes :

  1. to produce long notes which are too long to fit within one bar, or

  2. to produce syncopation.

In the example below the two semibreves in adjacent bars are connected by a tie to produce one 8-beat long note. This is often required for the ending note of a song, or for the last note of a phrase or musical section within a song.

The note in the first bar need not always start on beat 1.
Likewise the note in the second bar may be less than 4 beats. (In such cases the remaining beats in that bar usually consist of rests and/or pickup notes which introduce the beginning of a new musical section.)


In Jazz ties across the bar are very common.
In most cases the first note of a bar is tied to a quaver at the end of the previous bar (as shown in the example below).

Once again this produces a case of anticipated syncopation, where the natural accent on downbeat 1, is shifted to upbeat 4+ of the previous bar. The note and accent therefore occur before they are expected by the listener.

Audio 9.1

Audio 9.2

Anticipations on 2+ and 4+ are the most commonly used syncopations in Jazz.
They generate much energy and forward motion.
Syncopations on 1+ and 3+ on the other hand produce contrary motion (a holding back of the music flow).

When these two types of syncopations are combined, the result is an alternating forward and backward rocking motion, similar to a long goods train starting up, with the wagons rocking forwards and backwards as the train gathers pace.

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RC 9.2 - Rhythm Segments 1 - 8

Shown below are Rhythm Segments 1 to 4.
Each Rhythm Segment is used 4 times to fill two complete bars.
Ties are used across the middle of each bar and between both bars.   (For Rhythm Segment 1 the tied minims are combined into semibreves. In Rhythm Segment 2 the tied crotchets within each bar are combined into a minim.)

Press on any Rhythm Segment to hear its Audio.
The Play-a-longs are in swing style.


Shown below are Rhythm Segments 5 to 8.
Each Rhythm Segment is used 4 times to fill two complete bars. Ties are used across the middle of each bar and between both bars.

Press on any Rhythm Segment to hear its Audio.
The Play-a-longs are in swing style.


Clap or play a long with each of above demos to become thoroughly familiar with each one.

The above demos are in the same style as in Lesson 3
Each one plays the rhythm segment on beat 1 and 2 of each bar, while the metronome clicks like this :

  • First 2 bars = count in : 1   3   1 2 3 4

  • Next 4 bars = a click on each beat

  • Next 8 bars = a click on beats 1 and 3 of each bar

  • Next 8 bars = a click on beat 1 of each bar

  • Next 12 bars = a click on beat 1 once every 2 bars

  • Next 16 bars = a click on beat 1 once every 4 bars
Listen carefully, tap with your foot and try to clap or play the rhythm exactly at the right moment each time.

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RC 9.3 - Rhythm Patterns 193 - 240

Rhythm Patterns 193 - 240 are recorded in swing style.

Clap and play Rhythm Patterns 193 - 240 first at a comfortable tempo (about 60 bpm) until you can play them confidently without any mistakes.
Then :

  1. Increase the tempo to improve your reading and playing skills

  2. Slow down the tempo to improve your timing accuracy.

The downbeats 1 and 3 are shown below each bar. If you have trouble reading a particular pattern write the additional beat positions (numbers and plus signs) underneath it in pencil, but rub them out as soon as you can play the pattern with some confidence correctly.

Use the Circle of Fifths play-a-long tracks in swing style.

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RC 9.4 - Practice Material

Metronome   Play-a-Long tracks
Circle of 5ths   Dominant 7th chords
What might have been (C instr.)
What might have been (Bb instr.)
What might have been (Eb instr.)
- Demo   P-a-L (straight)
Rhythm Patterns 193-204 - Demo (swing)
Rhythm Patterns 205-216 - Demo (swing)
Rhythm Patterns 217-228 - Demo (swing)
Rhythm Patterns 229-240 - Demo (swing)

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