Biographical Log of Michael Furstner - Page 52
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Thursday & Friday November 6 & 7, 2008
Early this Thursday morning we find out that Kiku has
unfortunately not survived the night. Both Babette and Doug are quite
devastated and so is Tin Tin, missing his sister and playmate
terribly, judging from his very subdued attitude. He appears to be
totally lost without her. I hope we are quickly getting another dog to
fill the gap caused by this tragic loss.
At about 11 AM I set off for Nambour for a haircut, then onto Jimmy's
Place in Maroochydore for lunch. They are happy to see me back
In the Sunshine Plaza I am in luck and get hold of a copy of
Aravind Adiga's 'The White Tiger'. Late in the afternoon I
deliver my Vito to the garage.
Friday is a quiet day, Babette and Doug are both in Brisbane
and I get into 'The White Tiger' a great book, no doubt about that.
The garage needs more time to diagnose the problem with my car and
will keep it over the weekend.
Late afternoon, after lunch and reading the paper at the Mooloolaba Surf Club, I drive to the
Woombye Bowls Club. Their fundraising weekend has been cancelled
because they could not get the required 24 teams together. So my gig
tomorrow night with them is off too. I leave my card and they will
probably get me for another evening closer to Christmas.
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Saturday - Monday November 8 - 10, 2008
Very quiet days. I do little else but reading, talking to Babette and Doug and going to the Mooloolaba Surf Club for lunch. Sunday evening I take them to Jimmy's Place for dinner which we all enjoy. Babette and Doug are on a diet but have one "free day" each week when they can eat and drink whatever they want, so Jimmy's Place it was.
It is that beautiful time of the year again when in Australia the Jacaranda trees are in bloom. I love this purple blue colour of their flowers which reminds me so much of the delicate corn flowers in the grain fields in the Netherlands. Their colour is very similar. The Jacarandas bloom first up in the North of the Continent, then gradually like an enormous blue blush slowly move South, reaching us here at the Sunshine Coast early November and down in Adelaide and Melbourne towards the end of the month. I wrote a song about them a few years back, Jaca Blues, it is online.
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Copyright © 2008 Michael Furstner