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Monday & Tuesday February 16 & 17, 2009
Another glorious day in Paradise. Outside the School holiday periods
Monday is usually a quiet day on the beach. The waves are absolutely
perfect today and I manage a large number of body surfs. The rest of
the day follows the normal lazy life pattern I lead these days.
There is absolutely no other place in the world (at least that I
know) where I would rather be than here right now. The beach, the
climate, the environment are great, the Sunshine Coast is an ideal
place to live or have a wonderful relaxing holiday. In the
evening Babette arrives. She will be home for just two nights,
but on Wednesday its off again to Sydney, then on Friday on to Hong
Kong for a week. Doug is in India by now, doing three weeks of
marketing for Babette's two schools.
Tuesday it is back to overcast sky and showers. Bridge in
the morning, swim in the afternoon as usual. Apparently 25% of the
1,800 houses burnt in the Victorian bushfires are not insured, for
many households it is simply too expensive. The Victorian State
Government is putting 65% tax on home insurance premiums. In other
words 40 cents out of every dollar of the insurance goes to the State
Government, supposedly to pay for their Fire Brigades. A rather
strange and counter productive approach I would think, seeing that in
the end the Federal Governments assistance money will especially go
to the uninsured families.
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Wedneday February 18, 2009
I have to get up early today, my car is being serviced. I arrive at
the garage at 7.30 AM, but it takes 5 hours to get everything done on
my Mercedes Vito. I had opted to wait for it, not realising the
service would take that long, so I manage to read one book ("The
Antisocial behaviour of Horace Rumpole") from cover to cover.
I had not realised that John Mortimer was still writing books, this one
was published only two years ago in 2007. (He died just recently this year.) I got it from the Library,
but his Rumpole books are nowhere to be seen in
Australian bookshops these days.
While waiting in the garage's customers room I also read some
articles in one of the Truck magazines. I am shocked by what I learn.
Every Australian State has different rules and regulations regarding
truck sizes, loads, driver training etc. In a quoted example for
a truck traveling through different States : in one State an extra
axle has to be fitted, which, when crossing the next State boundary
has to be taken off again. The paperwork alone is a total nightmare
for every trucking company in Australia.
In this regard we are way behind the EU (European Community) who
cleared up this type of bureaucracy years ago. And that was across
borders of different countries and cultures, not different
States all belonging to one Nation. The same parochial nonsense
prevails for State regulations in many areas : different school
curriculums, drivers licenses, road speed limits, railway gages,
insurance regulations, river water management, the list goes on and
Federal Governments for years have been trying
to clean up this
mess, but the States desperately keep hanging on to their self
interests, which in most cases is counterproductive to the Nation as
a whole.
At around 1 PM my car is finally ready. I decide to have lunch at
Jimmy's Place, a small hole in the wall Chinese Restaurant in
Ball Street, Maroochydore. As it happens the eatery just reopened
today, as Jimmy and his wife Quin have only yesterday returned from a
visit to their daughter and new grandchild in Darwin. It is an
overcast day, but the surf is great with just the right waves for
some serious body surfing. Back home I receive some photos from my
sister Wivica from the Black Forest in Germany. Lots of
snow over there as you can see.
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Thursday & Friday February 19 & 20, 2009
Another two routine days, Thursday overcast but Friday sunny again
with blue skys, but also quite humid due to the recent
rainfalls. I finally bought a street directory for the Sunshine
Coast area this week. I lost my old one. Here a good map of Mooloolaba Beach
where I spend most of my days at present. You can clearly see the
fish hook shape of the (yellow) beach and (green) dune strip,
surrounded by water, the Pacific Ocean to its north, the Mooloolah
River to the south of it.
Friday morning after bridge I go once more to the Maroochydore
Centrelink office to change my asset details used for the
calculation of my Australian pension. It is another long wait, but
after two hours waiting it is settled within just a few minutes. It
is 4 PM by the time I arrive after my swim at the Surf Club for my
usual bruschetta lunch, late enough to have a beer with it as
well. In the evening a thunderstorm with lots of rain cools
everything down. I have a dozen bitterballen while watching TV, after
which I am too full to eat anything else.
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