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JF 11a.1 - Keyboard Fingerings

Chromatic fingering rules for the keyboard for the right and left hand are identical and very simple :

  1. Use the 3rd finger (middle finger) on all black keys

  2. Use the 1st finger (thumb) on all white keys, except on two successive white keys (E-F and B-C). For these use fingers 1 and 2 (thumb and index finger).

Make sure to hold your hands always over the keyboard (not flat in front of it). This way you play the notes as if you are walking on the keyboard with your fingers.


Chromatic fingering Chart for the Keyboard.

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JF 11a.2 - Saxophone Fingerings

The main objective in chromatic fingering for the saxophone is to avoid scissor actions between your index and middle finger (on finger going up while the other is going down). For this reason a number of side keys are present on your saxophone.


For correct chromatic scale fingering use all side keys.


Chromatic fingering Chart for the Saxophone.

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JF 11a.3 - Clarinet Fingerings

The main objectives in chromatic fingering for the clarinet are

  1. to avoid scissor actions between your index and middle finger (on finger going up while the other is going down),

  2. and to avoid using the little finger of the same hand for two successive notes.

For this reason a number of extra keys are present on your clarinet.


Use the fingering as indicated by the numbers over the notes on the following chromatic scale.


Chromatic fingerings for the Clarinet.

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JF 11a.4 - Flute Fingerings

For all chromatic passages keep your left thumb on the B Key.
Play the Bb with the alternative fingering of left thumb on B key plus left and right index fingers.

Over rapid passages you may use for the F# the right middle finger (instead of the 4th finger).

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