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Tuesday September 16, 2008
(diary, drinks, politics)
A bright blue sky awaits me as I wake up this morning.
Later in the day some white woolly sheep are starting to float overhead. During
the dry season the empty skys produce predictable and somewhat boring sunsets.
But from about August onwards things change dramatically in this part of the
world. Irregular cloud formations in all shapes and sizes produce the most
spectacular sunsets, totally different every night. Very soon large
formations of mango geese, gliding like multiple kite tails gracefully
all over Darwin and its hinterland, will add an extra dimension to these
wonderful evening spectacles.
Since returning to Darwin I afford myself the luxury of
mixed drinks from about 5 pm. I change, depending on my mood, between my usual
brandy and dry (ginger), my favourite in Spain Cuba Libra
(Bacardi, coke and a slice of lemon, the lemon neutralises the syrupy sweetness
of the coke) and a good old G&T. Schweppes produces these days a
"lemon flavour infused" tonic water which I find very pleasant as mix with the gin.
As I sit on my veranda, with a G&T this evening, the Head
of the Night College phones me. "Chris Knight is held up
by a job today and will be 15 minutes late for your class" he says. "Fine," I reply "then I can finish
my G&T at leisure". "Have another one on
me" he suggest, which I do after he rings off.
I very much enjoy the Photoshop course by Chris and learn something new every
time. One of the very exiting things of these is how to make panoramas. I
will need to buy a plug-in for my Photoshop Elements application but this
should be well worth the investment. I have several projects in mind, most of
all of course the 360° Panorama Mesdag next time I visit Holland and The Hague. When I return
from my night class I hear on TV that Malcolm Turnbull has replaced
Dr.Brendan Nelson as leader of the Australian Liberal party. I have
greatly admired Brendan Nelson these last few months. Despite being attacked and
ridiculed from all sides (especially by TV presenters over
absolute trivia bullshit, trying at nauseum to milk out a catchy newspaper headline. Will these guys ever grow up and start conducting
constructive meaningful interviews ?) he behaved with enormous poise,
tenacity, dignity and calm throughout. He is a highly intelligent, honest and
wise man, but Australia is unfortunately not yet ready for such a quietly
spoken, even tempered, sophisticated leader. I can see why his wife is so immensely proud of
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Wednesday September 17, 2008
(diary, painting)
Yet another cloudless morning to start the day. A large flock of 30-40
magnificent mango geese fly over our farm, then make a smooth U turn and
disappear again. I can almost hear them thinking "Not ripe yet!!" But they will be back. Later in the day
clouds start to appear and humidity kicks in.
There is a most essential difference between a dark grey cloud covered day in
the colder countries, like Europe and wintery Southern Australia, and the
tropics. In the colder countries it directly affects your mood, you
quickly become rather depressed, especially when it starts raining too. In
the tropics this does not happen, your mood does not change (or, if anything,
slightly improves as it probably has become slightly cooler), and when it
starts raining you experience always a sense of exhilaration. The only thing
which really affects you in the tropics is the humidity, but this affects your
physical condition rather then your mood.
Disregarding the various scribbles I made as a child
or at school, this is the first painting I ever did as an adult. My daughter Babette rather likes it and has
it hanging on a wall in her home ThreePonds. Looking at it again I realise that this
picture rather neatly reflects the way I am and look at the world. Restless,
impatient, always in a hurry, I see everything around me not in great detail but
in a rough overall encompassing conceptual way (the oil pastels) and always
engulfed in a specific and distinct mood (acrylic background). I did this painting 14 years ago (on
August 3, 1994) during a painting course in Noosa. The 6 weeks course was conducted by
the owner artist of the local art supply shop and showed what one could do with
the various art media and materials. There were about 8 of us in the course, I
the only male and only totally rock bottom beginner. Every session I was
literally scared shitless. I just did not dare to put pen, brush pencil or
whatever it was on the paper. The others, all experienced in their art, had a ball and kindly tried to nudge me into it. Finally at the 5th
and second last lesson, we got into this technique of first laying out some rough
background colours in acrylic, then drawing and painting over it with pastels. I
liked it and suddenly got into it, greatly to the relief of my teacher. Why had
I been so scared before ? I had enjoyed the company of these lovely ladies,
they had not intimidated me I believe. No, it was pure (what the Dutch call)
drempelvrees, fear to step through the open door into a for me new
I had a very similar experience with music, when studying at the Jazz College
in Adelaide back in 1984. One of the first exercises our teacher Eric
Bryce (well known music educator and long time arranger and composer for the
Australian Broadcasting Corporation, now long retired) gave us during our
Arranging Class was to rewrite a simplified melody line of a Jazz
standard in syncopated form. I sat at home, looking at the sheet, and
just did not dare to touch the paper. This was written by somebody else, quite
famous, how was I possibly allowed to change it ? I pencilled something in, then
hastily rubbed it out again. Finally I most hesitantly managed to complete the
exercise. Again it was a case of drempelvrees, a new medium opened up to
me and I had to overcome a distinct fear to enter it. I have observed
similar fears with many of my private improvisation students who entered
that medium for the first time. Through my own experiences I knew what it was
and have been able to help them across this mental barrier and on their way to
unencumbered progress.
A few years after my painting course in Noosa I joined a
"do your own thing" painting group conducted by a young artist in the garage of
her home in Perigian Beach (also on the Sunshine Coat). Within a few months I
produced a large number of paintings, many copies of well known artists (which I
enjoyed doing), all in the same pastels over acrylic background style. Then I
suddenly dropped it again and have not done a single painting since.
As I write this I suddenly get an idea why this is so. We all like to, and
certainly should, add our own thoughts, ideas, creations, as memes to the "memes pool"
(combined knowledge and creative culture) of humanity, and by doing so
influence the ones around us and hopefully those who come after us. I personally
have this feeling and need very strongly. Painters, sculptures and other
visual artists can have an enormous influence on us. But this influence
is subject to the unique reaction each of us has to it. We "contribute" so to
speak to the painting by superimposing our own interpretation onto it. The Dutch
sculptor Piet Slegers told me (back in the 1950s) he never gave his
creations a name or title, so that the viewer is entirely free to make up
his/her own interpretation of it. In
music, and especially improvised music, the listener can still have his/her
unique interpretation, but I feel that it is just a little bit more constrained
than a painting. The listener is pointed in a certain direction by the song's
title and perhaps lyrics. On top of that the improviser expresses his own
feelings and mood through his interpretation (as well as his facial expressions
and body language in life performances), which are quite likely to be captured
more precisely by the audience. In writing
however (as in plays and movies) there are no ifs, no buts, no maybes. When I
express something in words, it is quite clear cut. You can take it on board or
leave it, but that is it. Certainly you can move your mind around what I have
said, and perhaps take it as a jump off point for a new thought or idea, but my
statement is and remains a clear and fixed reference point. This is I think
why I enjoy writing so much, teaching new ideas, face to face, online or for an
audience. You present a concrete idea, an unambiguous reference point for future
development. You also take a risk by doing so. You can either accept it or shoot
me down. And that is how it should be.
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Thursday September 18, 2008
(diary, opinion)
Another fine day today. And surprise surprise in the afternoon we even get a
nice downpour of rain. Only for 15 minutes or so, but just enough to freshen
things up a bit. Like so often in this region, the rain is very localised, a few
km down the road they did not get anything at all. Yet, more is to come
according to Andrew. In the evening I play bridge at Palmerston with Freda
who has more or less recovered from her 2 weeks of flu. Everybody around here
has suffered from it. This financial
meltdown going on around the world sends an important message I believe. If even
these supposedly conservative banks can get it so totally wrong, then one should
(as I certainly do) be very skeptical about many of the publicly accepted "truths"
or "beliefs". Poorly founded dominant majority opinions or trends appear to be the
Achilles heel of Western civilisation. The ill founded assumptions about the
cause for Global Warming for example, or the consistent beliefs in the outdated
traditional religions are other areas of great misconception. That is my view in
any case. The human mind has one very important thing with computers in
common. No matter how (supposedly) intelligent a human brain may appear to be,
it is just like a computer : when you feed rubbish in, rubbish will come out.
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Friday & Saturday September 19 & 20, 2008
(diary, opinion, book)
Let me elaborate on the last sentence I wrote yesterday : "Rubbish in,
rubbish out". Taking the present banking crisis as example, rather than
following sound banking practices and common sense reasoning in their business
pursuits, banks and related financial institutions have been following a policy
of (more or less reckless) greed and copying what the competition was doing. Global Warming too is by many (including our present Labour Government) according to prominent scientists around the world, totally misunderstood, at potentially very high future cost to our country and the world.
At a personal level, from a very young age (see February 5), I have always tried to find my own answers,
seeking out the best possible resources I could find, rather than following
Public opinions or established general trends. In other words I have always
tried to feed my mind not with rubbish but with valuable, relevant and as far as
I could judge truthful information. By doing so one is more likely to arrive at
a meaningful outcome (rather than the "rubbish out" scenario). Of course such
judgement is always subjective and depends on one's intelligence and to which
degree one has been influenced (biassed) by parents, schools, religion etc. But
it is the best one really can, and I believe, should do.
I therefore try to listen to quality news programs and read quality papers. I
also seek out books by world leading thinkers at the very frontier of
human knowledge and understanding like Brian Greene ('The Fabric of the
Cosmos'), Richard Dawkins ('The God Delusion'), etc. to give my mind
plenty of value input to come to meaningful conclusions and opinions. In this context I also picked up a copy of
The Costello Memoirs (published by Melbourne University Press), released to the public earlier
this week. I am reading through it at the rate of knots and find it very
entertaining, highly readable and above all most informative about the politics
(especially those concerning finance and tax) over the past 16 years.
There can be no doubt about the outstanding credentials of Peter Costello. He has
been the longest serving, most experienced and probably best Federal Treasurer
in Australian history, and his innovative new measures have been acknowledged
and applauded worldwide. I believe his memoirs will stand the test of time and
remain a valuable historic document for many generations to come.
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