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Thursday & Friday September 11 & 12, 2008
(levels of awareness, cultures)
As I sit here in front of my cabin, watching the mangos fattening and now
starting to blush, the lawn, bushes and trees in front and the blue sky with
woolly sheep clouds overhead (revealing that the core dry season has ended, but
the "buildup" has not quite made up its mind yet), I feel at peace with the
world. Or at least, for a restless soul like me, "sort of". I feel I am on
hold, waiting, hoping for things to develop which are at present beyond my reach
or control.
Awareness 19 continues from May 15
When I arrived back here 5 weeks ago though I felt quite different, emotionally
torn apart by opposing feelings and forces. And I know very well why. I have
discussed this in the past (in Awareness
11, on April 2), stating that
I place myself within the context of four awareness levels :
- within my personal life span
- in relation to my ancestors, going back as far as the 400 year old records
- within Western Civilisation, especially as preserved in Europe
- geological life span of the earth and further back to the birth of our
Through my recent trip to Europe all these four awareness levels have become in
a sharper focus than I have ever experienced before. And the opposing emotional
forces within me are caused by the contrast between level 1 and level 4
At the personal level I have once again experienced the strong affinity I have
with (especially North) Europeans. The recent contacts with my friends, the joy
of being able to speak in both my father's and my mother's tongues (Dutch and
German), and the instant perceived emotional connection this produced even with
complete strangers, has highlighted my emotional sameness and belonging. This, I
realise, will never change.
On the other hand in Australia however, especially here on the Mango Farm near
Darwin (wild wide open space all around, infinitely high sparkling blue sky
above) it feels as if I virtually sit on the door step of the Universe.
I know this may seem very strange, but unless you have actually been here, you
simply can not imagine what this feels like. It is not that I think consciously
of this fact, rather I instinctively feel close to the world at large and
everything surrounding it. I know this sounds ridiculous sitting in what most
would call the middle of nowhere, but there it is.
In stark contrast Europe feels to me (now as much as ever)
like a closed box, and one can clearly see its effect on the faces and body
language of the people. Being constantly surrounded by architecture of several
thousand years of Western culture is of course nice in a many ways. But
inevitably it is at the same time a continuous visual indoctrination ("brainwashing") locking
everyone within this restrictive box of human history's short time span. The low
skys, mediocre often depressing weather and ever growing congestions on the
roads add to this enclosed feeling. Local Europeans themselves are perhaps not
consciously aware of this, but for perceptive visitors from Australia this is a
strong almost immediate impression.
So here I am, torn apart by two
contrasting affinities, one an emotional culture, the other the (to me) ultimate
country of freedom. I am sure many migrants living in this country
experience something like this throughout their life, and we learn to adapt to
it and enjoy it. But immediately after returning from an extended stay in the "home country" I find that I need some time to readjust again. Planning a next trip back is one way of addressing this. And of course there is another solution too
(more about that later).
Awareness continues on October 1
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Saturday September 13, 2008
(diary, trivia)
Quite a few more clouds in the sky today and the humidity is up too a little. The buildup may start early this year, as has been predicted. However I promised my two Bridge partners I would stay here until the end of October, regardless, and I will. We do enjoy playing bridge together.
Amazing how sometimes the smallest thing can make a man happy, if only for a
day or so. Don't laugh : I finally found a small inter dental brush (shown on the
left) at the chemist which I can carry around in my pocket and pick my teeth
with after meals. Here is the story. I have rather large teeth. My dentist
and periodontist have done a great job on making them look reasonably
presentable and keeping them healthy. I also get them cleaned by a hygienist
twice a year and provided I keep this up my teeth should last me the rest of my
life. I am (from necessity) also a regular tooth pick user after most meals.
In Australia this is not a problem, almost all restaurants and eateries have
free wooden toothpicks on the table. This is not surprising as Australians are
big time meat eaters. I discovered this at our very
first dinner in Australia on New Years Day 1966 at the Great Northern
Hotel in Newcastle (NSW). They had the then much in vogue Carpetbag
steak on the menu : a steak sliced open in the middle with half a dozen
oysters or so filled inside. I ordered it and believe me when it arrived we were quite shocked : it was the biggest steak I had ever seen in my entire
life before. I did my very best but managed only to eat half of it. Anyway, an
army of toothpicks are obviously needed after such meals.
Europe is different however, this year I could not find a
single toothpick on the tables in any of the restaurants I visited. At best they would
have a lone cannister standing out of sight at the bar or on the cashier
counter. My (Dutch) grandfather used to have his own silver toothpick which
could slide in and out an elegant small cylindrical container he could carry around in his pocket. Carrying wooden toothpicks around in
your pocket is awkward however. I managed to find a plastic one, but it was not
This week the dentist installed a soft ("DIC" whatever
that means) filling in one of my teeth and warned me not to use wooden
toothpicks on that tooth anymore as it could damage the filling. So I found
this wonderful interdental pocket brush at the chemist, which I can take around with me
in my pocket wherever I go. Hurray, problem solved.
I know my ex wife Antien will be pleased. As a good dentist's daughter
she always carries a toothbrush and a fresh apple around with her, wherever she
goes. So get yourself an interdental pocket brush Antien. You are sure going to need it in
Europe next year !
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Sunday September 14, 2008
(diary, books)
Saturday afternoon I take Steve (my present neighbour in the caravan next to my
cabin on the Mango farm) for lunch at Bar Zushi. Steve has never tried Japanese food before
but is game to give it a try. He quite likes it in fact and we have a good time
together. Steve is a master bricklayer (originally from the UK) who lives in
Mendura, just South of Perth. Like me he escapes the cold winters there and
spends the dry season every year in Darwin.
here he does work on various projects as well. Last year he single handed laid
each and every brick for Andrew and Kim's magnificent Mango farm home. He also
helped Andrew with the installation of the roof of the house. This year Steve is
working on Darwin harbour front developments around the just completed brand new
Convention Center. Steve will be back here next year again, but is also
planning a short holiday in Cairns visiting his daughter there.
I rarely watch TV during the daytime and definitely not in the mornings except
on Sundays. The ABC have a terrific Sunday morning program from 9 am to
11.30 consisting of four segments :
- Insiders - a review of the week in politics by four journalists.
- Inside Business - a review of the week's stock market action plus
interviews with business leaders.
- Offsiders - a review of the week's sport events in Australia.
- Asia Pacific Focus - reports on developments in the Asia Pacific
The journalists involved are a clear cut above the usual "infotainment"
presentators of the commercial channels. It keeps me reliably informed of
current developments, which is especially useful in Darwin where The
Australian Newspaper is not available each day until 3 or 4 in the afternoon
and I therefore never bother to buy and read here.
After watching the above I spend the rest of the day reading. There is a pile
of six books on my bedside table and I am making inroads into all of them. Here
they are :
- Mrs Dalloway - by Virginia
Never read a book of hers before. You need to concentrate as she
swaps seamless from the thoughts from one person to those of another (sometimes
casual passer by), which is quite interesting once you get into the swing of
this unusual approach.
- Der Fall Kurilow - by Irène Némirovsky (German translation)
This is the third book I now read from her and I have enjoyed every one of them
immensely. It also gets me back into German reading again. I can't find any
German language novels here in Darwin, but believe that the Second hand bookshop
in Mooloolaba does stock some foreign language titles.
- Killing Hitler - by Roger Moorhouse
A very well researched historic but at the same time entertaining account of 20
(of an estimated 40 or so) assassination attempts on Adolf Hitler most
people (including myself) have never heard of. We all know of course about the
famous failed attempt by Claus Staufenberg in 1943. However a very
similar attempt was made by means of a huge bomb explosion in the infamous
Münich Bürgerbräukeller on 8 November 1939 by Georg
Elser. Eight people were killed and 62 wounded in this attempt, but
unfortunately Hitler had just left the building.
- A History of Modern Britain - by Andrew Marr
Only 30 odd pages to go now to the end of this very revealing and most readable
600 page account. But I am surprised to see that Andrew has used American rather than English spelling throughout ("color" instead of "colour", etc.). Amongst other things this book puts the current crisis of the English
Pound (which has become a rather irrelevant International currency by now one
would think) in the perspective of the repeatedly recurring financial crises
in the UK which started right after WW2.
- High Fidelity - by Nick Hornby
It is rare for me to find a relatively recent novel which really interests me.
But this one (from 1995) I have read from cover to cover in two days. It is the
story "of one man's journey of self-discovery" via various girlfriend
relationships. Very funny too.
- Crime and Punishment - by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Just started on this 650 page epic. I find the English translation by
David McDuff very flowing and readable, which is most important because
of the frequently rather long sentences.
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Monday September 15, 2008
It is completely overcast this morning as I wake up and the weather stays like this all day.
It looks as if we might get some rain, but no, maybe in a week or so Andrew
thinks. Let me first briefly explain who live here on the Mango farm at
- Firstly there are the owners, Kim and Andrew with their 3 children, who all live in
the main house.
Then there are
Margaret and Brian who live in one of the two large sheds (located on either side of the lawn behind the main house) Andrew and Kim lived in last
year while the house was being built. Margaret and Brian previously stayed in a
permanent caravan at the Boomerang Caravan Park, but moved to the farm last
year. They still travel part of the year around in their caravan visiting
friends and family down South.
- Opposite the main house, across the swimming pool and large lawn, and in
line with the first row of mango trees, are the cabin in which I live
plus three caravan sites (one of which is empty at present).
- Next to me is Margaret and Brian's caravan which is occupied by Steve.
- Next to him is the beautiful caravan of Iris and Gordon, Kim's
parents from Ballarat, who come here every dry season for a number of months.
Gordon is a retired master builder and was most useful during the building of
the main house last year. He is also a very keen gardener and has built a large
vegetable garden on the farm, growing lots of tomatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers,
radishes etc.
Gordon, Brian and Steve were all heavily involved in the construction of the
main house last year, while I assigned myself the easy job of taking photos of
the progressive stages of the work, a compilation of 420 photos in total.
All day today I am busy working on photos, including this one of 20 months old
Babette and her very first admirer, Michiel van der Vijver. I re photographed this from an old and
tiny print in one of Maria van
der Vijver's photo albums when I visited them in Holland. Later in the
afternoon I join Andrew, Steve and Brian in the pool for a chat. Gordon is away
for a few days on a fishing trip with one of his mates and the ladies are
nowhere in sight.
In the evening I play bridge at the
Arafura Bridge Club in Darwin with my Monday nights bridge partner
Mairead. We play rather badly tonight (happens sometimes when your mind is
not quite focused on the game) but we have a lot of laughs and fun, especially
after we have opened our customary bottle of red (a Jacobs Creek -
Merlot). They do have bar facilities at the Club, but their cask wine is
rather poor, so Mairead and I alternate in bringing our own bottle each
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