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Wednesday 1 - Friday 3 Otober, 2014
Palma de Mallorca is a chaotic place and directions to
various locations are hard to find.
For the record Bus no. 1 drives all the way from
the Airport to the Port where the various ferries
to mainland Spain are located.
The bus route goes
right through the center of town and to get to Hotel Almudaina descend at
the stop at Avenue Jaime III (the hotel is located
a few hundred meters down this street).
So I got to the Tramediterranea boarding
point alright. The ship is quite comfortable, especially
since I had booked a cabin for the 7½ hour long
The so-called 4-course meal I had ordered (and
paid for) beforehand online however was rather a joke. The
choice of dishes was very restrictive and anything else
you selected had to be paid for extra.
I ended up with
a $30 meal which frankly was not worth half the money. No
salt or pepper anywhere in sight. The staff in general was
also bordering on unfriendly. (A claim I had read about
the other carrier, and the very reason why I had selected this

Arriving in Barcelona was a breeze. The ferry moors right
on the southern end of the old town, which is the main
area of interest. As arranged Yosune was waiting for me
at the Terminal and guided me to my hotel, only a 10
minutes walk.
Yosune is from Felechas, a mountain village in
Asturias which I used as base for my geological field work
way back in 1958. (See my Spain stories 8 and 12)
Yosune is the granddaughter of a sister of Olivia,
who still remembers my visit. She and her husband Julio
(since passed away) had a small convenience store were my
fellow student Hauk and
I always purchased our food and wine. In 1959 I went
back there and stayed with them for a week.
Hotel Fornos is an
excellent budget hotel (it has a proper bath and even a
bidet in its bathrooms), located in what I consider to be
the best spot in town : its entrance in a small street (Colom) which connects the magnificent
Plaza Reial with La
Rambla, the most famous Avenue in old
After checking in the hotel we proceeded
immediately to the Plaza Reial where we had a drink and
talked about Felechas, but then Yosune (a committed Basc I
suspect) took me to her favourite Tapas Bar iRATi, only a
stone throw from my hotel and great tapas!
I am not keen on big cities, but Barcelona is pleasant
enough, with a mixture of ancient buildings and modern
art influences. Unfortunately it is flooded with tourists,
which (I feel) greatly reduces the former magnificence of
La Rambla.
Plaza Reial on the other hand rises above it
all. With its cafe tables filled with people, basking
musicians and gymnasts abounding it remains a wonderful
place to relax and absorb the mood of ancient Spain.
So besides wandering through the narrow streets with its many hidden treasures and pleasant surprises, the Plaza Reial and Bar iRATi are my main relaxation points.
Plus of course the lounge of Hotel Fornos on the 1st floor with windows looking down onto the busy La Rambla, where I sit right now as I write away on my laptop.
Barcelona's most famous architect was Antoni Gaudi (1852-1926), who broke away from the traditional design and started the Art Nouveau in Cataonia.
The Güell Palace was the first great commision the young Gaudi received from his greatest benefactor and friend, the rich industrialist Eusebi Güell. After that Gaudi never looked back.
It is indeed a most unusual design, very intriate in all its apects.
The building is only a hundred meters away from Hotel Fornos and La Rambla.
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Saturday 4 & Sunday 5 October, 2014
Saturday morning Yosune collected me from the hotel after
which we took a taxi to Barcelona Sants (railway station)
where we had coffee and chatted some more about Felechas.
I am
becoming very tempted to accept her invitation and come to
the village in 2 years time. We shall see.
saying goodbye I traveled to Figueres (40km south of
the French border), settled in my hotel (Hotel Los
Angeles) and went to the Teatre Museu Dali. The
building used to be the town's theater, but when it fell
on hard times Dali purchased it and displayed a large body
of his work there.
It was a wonderful experience during which I took some 220
photographs. I am still in the process of selecting and
preparing a number of them for display here but I have put
some already online to look at.
On Sunday I visited Dali's Jewelry collection which is
located in another part of the building. Many of
them are small sculptures of gold and gemstones, quite
Surrealists artists like Dali and Magritte take us beyond the
familiar everyday reality as we know it, and they challenge us to
expand our visionary horizons.
Perhaps now more than
ever before should we go down that path, as modern physics
reveals that "reality" is perhaps quite different from what we assume it to be.
Modern scientists advise us not to look at
our world and universe in terms of matter, space and time, but
rather as series of processes connected to
one another through causalities.
Lee Smolin
is a scientist who is searching for a theory of quantum
gravity, which combines Einstein's Special
relativity theory (explaining the large) with quantum
mechanics (dealing with the very smallest particles like
electrons and protons).
In his
recent book Three roads to Quantum Gravity Smolin
suggests that we look at the universe as if it were a
sentence. A sentence is a succession of words, each word a
consequence of its predecessor.
But (says Smolin) take
all words of the sentence away an there is no space or
time left.
From this viewpoint there is no distinct
space-time entity (as I understand it they are merely
expressions of causality) A most interesting thought.
On Sunday, as arranged, a taxi called for me at the Hotel
and drove me to the lovely village of Begur, where,
in the evening, the Walks in Spain walking group got
together for a wonderful welcome dinner. It was great to
meet Paul Jr. and Paul Sn. again. Tomorrow the serious
walking will commence.
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Monday 6 & Thursday 9 October, 2014
Monday our first walking day with Walks
in Spain. A strenuous walk along a number of beaches,
separated by rocky outcrops we had to climb up, then down
again, time after time.
The beaches here are very
isolated with only a weather beaten shack here and there
where a family lives out their life in paradise. Also the
odd nudist beach, but I was by this time too tired to
notice. Finally we started our way inland up a steep slope
and then through dense woodland back to our starting
point. Although the total distance was only 13 km it took
us over 5 hours of non-stop walking to complete, longer
than I have walked for a very long time.
The following two days were much easier to handle,
although every afternoon after returning to our hotel in Begur, I had a
quick shower and went straight to bed.
Day 2 was a stroll
through undulating farm land an picturesque villages
behind the coast. (Unfortunately my camera was palying up and I took no photos).
The third day was again along the
coast but this time through some popular holiday villages
along the coast. Every day after the walk we were treated to a splendid 3-
course lunch at a quality restaurant which was nice.
Today we traveled by car to Girona booked into a
hotel there and walked around the city. I must say Girona (located halfway between Barcelona and Figueres to the north) is a
delightful place to visit and from what I have seen this
past week much nicer than either Palma de Mallorca or even
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Friday 10 & Sunday 12 October, 2014
The last two days of walking were in the Costa Brava
hinterland through an ancient volcanic area, very pleasant
and a stark contrast from the first 3 days of our tour. The
daily walks were not strenuous and I could easily cope with
In contrast to my Camino walk the group this time
was much more international which enhanced the experience.
Of the total of 15 participants 4 came from Australia, 4
from the UK, 2 from the USA, 3 from Canada and 2 Malaysians
living at present in Oman.
We have all said our goodbyes and I write this while
sitting in the train in Cerbere, a small town just across
the border in France on the Mediterranean. The train will
depart in about half an hour, carrying me to
Collioure, a small town on the Mediterranean much
favoured by Matisse and Derain for the light. Anne-Marie
too spend holidays here in the past. So I look forward to
the place.
I arrive at Collioure by train at about midday. The Railway
station office was closed, no bus or taxi in sight, so I
start walking down the street that is heading downwards. I
am sure it eventually must end up down the beach somewhere.
Within minutes I arrive at a square with a market just
breaking up. I see a taxi who refuses to drive me as my
hotel Le Mas des Citronniers is just a stone-throw
Lovely hotel, great welcome, excellent room (but
Matisse just left :-) they tell me).
After dropping my luggage at the hotel I walk into town :
I love the place !.
Anne-Marie (when your
read this) whatever it was like when you visited here : it
is all still there !! Sure, plenty of tourist, but the
atmosphere is wonderful, and there are lots of restaurants
with the most delicious seafood.
My selection of a
place to lunch depends just on one single item : do
they have grilled sardines on the Menu. The Restaurant
L'Arcade has just that (Sardines "persillade"
whatever that means).
But wait there is more : the
least amount of wine you can order is half a liter (€7
only and not half bad).
And finally, finally !! I have
found somewhere on a menu under the Deserts : Assiette
de Fromage, cheese, 3 types including a real French
Roquefort, which has a creamy after taste to it, not the
horrible bity stuff you get anywhere else. In short,
Collioure has restored my appreciation of French food, much
for the better!
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Monday 13 - Wednesday 15 October, 2014
It struck me these past few weeks that many European
countries are held hostage to their own culture.
order to maintain the wonderful architecture and
dwellings of the past, inhabitants must either endure the
uncomfortable life style of centuries ago, or build new
comfortable dwellings that fit in with the old style.
In Spain this has not happened very well.
On the
Côte Vermeille in France on the other hand the
modern buildings do blend in very well with the old,
probably a combined result of greater affluence (at least
financially) of the inhabitants and stricter Council regulations.
Collioure is a charming place, clean, well maintained
and very much maintining the building style from its
past. Although it is most renown for the frequent
visits paid there by Henri Matisse and
André Derain, there are no original
paintings of their work in the town. But
prints of their work, depicting scenes of Collioure, are
displayed at various points on some of the town walls.
Unfortunately the present art scene (if one could call it that at all) is nowhere up to that standard. All paintings, pottery and other items I did see are tourist junk, much of it in atrocious taste.
However this is only a reflection of the world today and on display wherever we are.
A charming aspect of the old town are the small tiles embedded in the stone wall around the front doors of some of the homes. They presumably depict the ativities of past (or present ?) inhabitants.
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