Most Recent - Next - Previous - Page 1 - Photos - Index - Topics - MP3s - Jazclass Links Saturday December 6, 2008 (diary)
After a coffee and chat with Babette and Doug we drive on to the Eumundi Markets (in nearby Eumundi) which are on this morning. It has grown over many years and is now a huge event, even larger than the famous Darwin Mindill Beach Markets. Whereas the Mindill Beach market's mainstay is food, at Eumundi they have an enormous range of merchandise, most of it quality stuff. Freda has therefore little trouble finding several Christmas presents to take home. After almost three hours we both have had enough and we proceed to the Mooloolaba Surf Club for a few drinks and lunch.
After lunch Freda suggests I have my daily swim in the surf while she
checks out the Club's range of Poker machines. A few dollars
lighter I pick her up again and after a brief walk along the Esplanade,
I drive her to Caboolture to catch the 4 PM train back to
Brisbane. This gives her enough time for a brief rest in her motel
before setting off to the Billy Joel concert tonight. I
am pretty tired when I get home (just before the storm arrives), have a snooze and then watch The
Bill on TV with Babette and Doug. It has been a good day.
Most Recent - Next - Previous - Top - Page 1 - Photos - Index - Topics - MP3s - Jazclass Links Sunday December 7, 2008 (diary)
This afternoon I try to make a recording of Erik Satie's third Gnossienne. I make a couple of
recordings but when I load them onto my computer find out that only one
of the stereo tracks has been recorded. I soon find the trouble. Our
cute new puppy dog Nushi has been chewing on the lead
connecting my keyboard to the digital recorder. I should have spotted
the problem while recording as the recorder info window displays input
signals of both tracks, but I had not bothered to look. Live and
It is Babette and Doug's "free day" from their diet today, so we have an
enormous sashimi feast with, of course, a bottle of sake.
All is well that ends well.
Most Recent - Next - Previous - Top - Page 1 - Photos - Index - Topics - MP3s - Jazclass Links Monday December 8, 2008 (diary)
The financial crisis is really starting to bite now, especially in the
US. Over half a million people lost their job there last month alone. Only the
Spam company is smiling, they are having a rush on their
affordable product, so famous in the army during World War 2. My family
too, in refugee camps in Germany after the war had ended, had a good
taste of it. Spam is still available in Australian supermarkets
today. But having a choice I rather prefer to go to Simply
Most Recent - Next - Previous - Top - Page 1 - Photos - Index - Topics - MP3s - Jazclass Links Tuesday December 9, 2008 (diary, freedom from religion)
Freedom 8 continues from November 25
Australian Public schools have always (I assume ?) been unbiased and free from Christian (or any other) religion. However this changed in October 2006 when the Howard Federal Government introduced a new scheme offering to pay for the employment of a trained Christian chaplain for any Public school who wished to have one. As a result 80% of the Public schools in Queensland now have a chaplain. Finding a Public school free from religion is therefore now much harder, and in many areas virtually impossible.
Reflecting on this story it suddenly occurred to me that there is a
marked difference between the United Kingdom and The
Netherlands. The Queen of England is both Head of State and Head of
the Anglican Church. England is therefore a Christian State, and by
extension so is Australia. In Holland this is not the case.
Queen Beatrix is Head of the State, that is all. State and religion are
clearly separated, ensuring freedom of and from religion for all.
My parents and I had a clear choice between a Christian and non Christian school, both at Primary and High school level. I now realise how precious that is for all who live in that country. No wonder Holland is so far ahead on many of the moral issues and dillemas that confront us today. Sadly, Australia appears to be moving backwards, through the gradual erosion of freedom from religion in schools and the biassed indoctrination of children as a result of it. Most Recent - Next - Previous - Top - Page 1 - Photos - Index - Topics - MP3s - Jazclass Links Wednesday December 10, 2008 (diary)
The Mooloolaba Surf Club is one of the most tidy Clubs I have ever been to. No sooner have patrons vacated a table or their empty glasses or plates are instantly removed, the table wiped clean and the chairs put back into place. This makes coming here always a most enjoyable experience as everything around you is always neat and clean. Many Australian Clubs and Pubs are well below such standard.
It is a glorious sunny day again today, pleasantly warm and with a
clear blue sky. It is right at the point of low tide when I arrive at
the beach and there are a few bits of seaweed floating near the edge,
but the waves are good for several descent body surfs. When I
started surfing again last week I rather burnt the skin of my bald head
the first two days. But now I cover my head with a thick layer of
water resistant 30+ sunscreen and that seems to be protection
enough for the half hour or so I stay in the water. My left upper arm
too is clearly improving as a result of my swim movements. Copyright © 2008 Michael Furstner